Your guide to being an expatriate in Angola

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Angola, officially known as the Republic of Angola, is a country situated in southwestern Africa. It shares borders with Democratic Republic of the Congo, Namibia, Zambia, and the Atlantic Ocean. Angola gained independence from Portugal in 1975, and its economy has developed dramatically since the ending of a 27-year-long civil war in 2002. Though hindered by ongoing territorial disputes and fluctuating economic conditions, Angola's geographic location along the Atlantic coastline and abundant natural resources make it a notable diplomatic, economic, and cultural hub in southern Africa.


Expat destinations in Angola

Demographics of Angola:

Ethnic groups

The primary ethnic groups of Angola include Ovimbundu, Ambundu, Kwanhama, Bakongo, and Chokwe. Mixed populations constitute the remainder.


Portuguese and Kiluba are Angola's official languages. Additionally, Umbundu, Kikongo, and Chokwe are commonly spoken.

Religion Overview

Christianity dominates Angola's religious landscape, with over 86% of the population practicing Catholicism, Pentecostalism, and evangelical denominations. A combination of animistic and syncretic beliefs also maintains membership.

Major Religions


Angola enjoys an equatorial climate, boasting high humidity, rainfall, and temperatures that remain moderate year-round.

Economy Overview

Oil is a major component of Angola's economy, accounting for over half of its GDP, 80% of its government revenues, and 96% of its export earnings. Other critical sectors include agriculture, fishing, minerals (including diamonds, iron ore, and copper), and services.

Key Industries

  • Crude petroleum and natural gas
  • Shrimp, fish
  • Diamonds
  • Iron ore
  • Copper
  • Mining and quarrying

Major Companies

  • Sonangol
  • Endiama
  • Cobalt Group

Culture and Language Overview

Angolan culture is deeply influenced by Portugal and western Africa. Its customs and traditions honor various aspects, including music, dance, cuisine, and religious ceremonies. Art, crafts, and traditional festivals such as the Santa Cruz Festival, the Lunda Festival, and the N'Gola Ritual celebrate its heritage.

Cultural Highlights

  • Semba dance and music
  • Creole cuisine (including angústicas and feijão com arroz)
  • Kwanhama dialect of Kikongo
  • Largest traditional dance, the Muluquende dance
  • Kristi festival, honouring characters from Bible

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Angola's vast terrain encompasses 1.2 million sq km. A fascinating coastline lead on the Atlantic Ocean connects it with Namibia. The Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia confine the interior. Twelve major and dormant volcanoes dot the nation, which contribute to its regular seismic activity.

Notable Landmarks

  • Morro Bô to Loás
  • Ilhéu de Cabo Liampe
  • Dilolo Uplands, forming Namibia's northern boundary
  • Diamantina Leste National Park
  • Miradouro da Poça

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Good Friday and Easter Monday
  • Workers' Day (May 1)
  • Independence Day (November 11)
  • All Saints' Day (November 1)
  • Christmas Day (December 25)

Political Stability

Angola's political climate fluctuates amid conflicting territorial disputes with the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Somalia, corruption, high crime rates, and human rights concerns. The country frequently reports bombings and attacks from radical factions. Additionally, cybercrime is on the rise.

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