Living in Bimbo as an expatriate

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Image of Bimbo

Bimbo is a city located in the south-western part of the Central African Republic, situated on the Oubangui River. It is the fifth-largest city in the country and serves as the capital of the Ombella-M'Poko prefecture. Bimbo is known for its agricultural produce, including coffee, cotton, and cassava.

Tips for expats in Bimbo

Visa requirements

Expats will need to obtain a visa to enter and reside in the Central African Republic. Check with the nearest CAR embassy or consulate for the latest requirements and application procedures.

Language resources

The official language of the Central African Republic is French. Language courses can be found online or through local language schools.

Cost of living for expats in Bimbo


Housing in Bimbo is relatively affordable. A room in a shared house can cost around $100 per month, a one-bedroom apartment is approximately $200, while a two-bedroom apartment can be found for around $300. Three or more-bedroom houses can range from $400 to $600 per month.


Groceries in Bimbo are also affordable. A week's worth of groceries for a single person can cost around $30 to $40. Local markets offer fresh produce, while imported goods can be found in select supermarkets.


Transportation costs in Bimbo are low, with taxis and buses being the primary modes of transport. A taxi ride within the city can cost around $1 to $3, and bus fares are usually less than $1.

Climate in Bimbo

Bimbo experiences a tropical savanna climate with two distinct seasons: a wet season (May to October) and a dry season (November to April). The average temperature ranges from 22°C (72°F) to 31°C (88°F) throughout the year.

Job market in Bimbo

The job market in Bimbo is limited, with key industries being agriculture, forestry, and fishing. Other opportunities can be found in NGOs, teaching, and healthcare.

Healthcare in Bimbo

Healthcare facilities in Bimbo are limited. The city has a few hospitals and clinics, but advanced medical care may require travel to Bangui, the capital city. It is recommended to have international health insurance coverage.

Transport in Bimbo

Bimbo's public transportation system consists of buses and taxis, with major routes running through the city center and out to surrounding neighborhoods.

Safety in Bimbo

Bimbo has a relatively high crime rate, with petty theft and armed robbery being the most common crimes. It is recommended to exercise caution, particularly in isolated areas and after dark.

Neighborhoods in Bimbo

  1. Centre-Ville

    The city center of Bimbo, with easy access to shops, restaurants, and the marketplace.

  2. Quartier Guirassy

    A residential neighborhood with affordable housing and a strong community spirit.

Attractions in Bimbo

  1. Bimbo Central Mosque

    A beautiful and historic mosque located in the city center.

International Schools in Bimbo

  1. International School of Bangui

    Bangui, Central African Republic

    The closest international school, providing quality education for expat families.

Useful expat resources in Bimbo

Expat destinations in Central African Republic