Your guide to being an expatriate in Equatorial Guinea

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Equatorial Guinea is a small nation tucked between Cameroon, Gabon, and the Atlantic Ocean. It comprises two parts, Bioko Island (formerly Fernando Pó) and the mainland Rio Muni (formerly Rio dos Rios), both connected by a recently built bridge. Being one of the richest countries per capita in Africa, Equatorial Guinea has faced criticisms for income inequality and human rights violations. Despite these controversies, efforts have been made to promote industrialization and infrastructure development.

Equatorial Guinea

Expat destinations in Equatorial Guinea

Demographics of Equatorial Guinea:

Ethnic groups

Bantu and Fang (each about 80%) with smaller numbers of Pieds, Bubis, and Annobonese.


Fernandino Spanish and Bantoid languages (Fang, Combe, Bapounou, Mbochi) are recognized, but Bantu languages are most widely spoken.

Religion Overview

Equatorial Guinea generally considers itself secular, but over 95% of the population resides under Christianity, with around 86% affiliating themselves with Roman Catholicism. There are small Muslim and traditional religious communities present, particularly in regions of Bubi, Annobón, and Cono.

Major Religions


Equatorial Guinea lies inside the tropics and enjoys tropical rainforest weather commonly.

Economy Overview

Despite Equatorial Guinea's noteworthy oil production and status as a high-income nation, it still faces income inequality and human rights concerns. However, recent investment has been made in promoting industries like tourism, banking, and agriculture.

Key Industries

  • Oil
  • Timber
  • Fishing
  • Cocoa

Major Companies

  • Sociedad estatal de la Generación de Electricidad y el Regahoo del Agua (SEGESA)
  • Banco de Guinea Ecuatorial (BEG)
  • Compañia Aviación SA (TRACTIONAIR)
  • SG Inmobiliaria Guinea Ecuatorial SLU

Culture and Language Overview

Thanks to its mixture between Bantu and Bubi ethnic groups, Equatorial Guinea boasts a thriving and varied cultural scene.

Cultural Highlights

  • Fang Culture, known for their masks made by the talented carving masters, such as Bernardino Malen Mans shaking the divine principle with masks and statues.
  • Mbanqac Trek, taking the hikers on a feast of nature from Luba creek to Santa Isabel Market, offering a glimpse of rural culture alongside the exotic rainforest wildlife.
  • Idjab Meli Festival, featuring the congregation's dance to a rhythmic beat amidst the beautiful natural setting, a sight to cherish and a blissful experience to live.
  • Fang Lodges, rich in history with wooden interiors, Japanese toilets, and powerful air conditioning systems, redefine the meaning of hospitality and traditional living at the same time.

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Equatorial Guinea’s landscape is predominantly covered in primary rainforest with rivers like Ntem and del Rio Muni flanking it.

Notable Landmarks

  • Monte Alén, a picturesque mountain covered in an alluring blanket of vegetation
  • Santa Isabel Market, an exhilarating experience of smells and colors, where buyers can browse tropical fruits and unique produce.
  • San Carlos Borromeo, a fortress constructed by the Spanish in 1844, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, exhibits colonialism's architectural excellence
  • Parque Nacional Monte Claro, with its rugged yet verdant terrain, serving as a paradise for hikers and birdwatchers.

National Holidays

  • Independence Day (October 12)
  • Armed Forces Day (July 7)
  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Easter Sunday
  • Christmas Day (December 25)

Political Stability

Equatorial Guinea ranks low on the Fragile States Index, with corruption scandals and human rights violations plaguing the nation, leading critics to label the country 'authoritarian.'

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