Your guide to being an expatriate in Ghana

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Ghana, officially the Republic of Ghana, is a country located along the Gulf of Guinea and Atlantic Ocean in West Africa. Ghana gained independence from British rule in 1957, becoming the first sub-Saharan African nation to do so. Today, Ghana is a prosperous and steadily growing country, known for its democratic stability and thriving economy.


Expat destinations in Ghana

Demographics of Ghana:

Ethnic groups

Ewe: 1%

Akan: 40%

Bissa: 4%

Gurma: 3%

Other: 20%

Dagart: 13%

Mole-Dagbon: 17%


Ga: 3%

Ewe: 2%

Akan: 60%

Mamo: 5%

Bissa: 6%

Gurma: 3%

Other: 14%

Dagaare: 10%

Dagbani: 3%

English: Official (primary language of governance)

Koniga-Wobe: 4%

Religion Overview

Ghana is a predominantly Christian nation, with over 70% of the population identifying as Christian. However, Islam is also a significant religion in some regions, making up around 19% of the population. Traditional African religions are still practiced by some people.

Major Religions


Ghana has a tropical climate with two distinct rainy seasons: a shorter one from March to June, and a longer one from July to September. The country experiences hot and dry conditions from November to March.

Economy Overview

Ghana has a mixed economy, with both public and private sectors contributing to its growth. The country's economy is driven by agriculture, manufacturing, and services, with small but growing sectors in technology and finance.

Key Industries

  • Agriculture
  • Manufacturing
  • Services
  • Technology
  • Finance

Major Companies

  • MTN Ghana
  • Ecobank Ghana
  • Benso Oil Palm Plantation
  • UN IL Group
  • GSIL
  • Cocoa Merchants
  • Kimberly Clark
  • Allen & Delacey
  • Guinness Ghana Breweries
  • Barclays Bank Ghana
  • Volta Aluminium Company

Culture and Language Overview

Ghana has a rich cultural heritage that includes storytelling, music, and dance. The country's traditional arts and crafts, such as textiles, pottery, and woodcarvings, are highly valued and internationally recognized.

Cultural Highlights

  • Festivals and celebrations: Ghana hosts several colorful and lively festivals throughout the year, such as Homowo, Chocomoo, and Aboakyir Festival.
  • Music: Ghana is renowned for its vibrant music scene, with genres such as highlife, highlife soul, and hiplife gaining international acclaim.
  • Cuisine: Ghanaian cuisine is a fusion of traditional and modern flavors, with staples such as fufu (dough-like made from cassava, plantains, or yams) and banku (made from fermented corn dough) being popular.
  • Dress: Traditional Ghanaian clothing includes kente cloth, adinkra symbols (used to communicate traditional proverbs and symbols), dashikis, and woven baskets called woven things.
  • Sports: Football, also known as soccer, is incredibly popular in Ghana, with the national team, the Black Stars, having received international recognition for their performances.

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Ghana is located in the transitional zone between the Sahel and the rainforests of Central Africa. The country is blessed with several natural resources, such as timber, oil, gold, and diamonds, and covers a wide range of geographic features, from sandy beaches to dense tropical forests.

Notable Landmarks

  • Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park: Located in downtown Accra, this site pays tribute to Ghana's first president.
  • Cape Coast Castle: Built by the Swedes in 1652, this castle has been converted into a museum that recounts Ghana's history of colonialism and oppression.
  • Elmina Castle: Also known as St. George's Castle, it is one of the oldest European buildings on the continent.
  • Lake Bosomtwi: Known as the 'Golden Lake', it is the only permanently inhabited lake in the world formed by a meteorite impact.
  • Mole National Park: This national park is located in the far north of Ghana and hosts several African fauna such as elephants, giraffes, and antelopes.

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • National Youth Day (January 5)
  • Observation of Independence Day (March 6)
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Monday
  • May Day (May 1)
  • Republic Day (July 1)
  • Founders Day (September 21)
  • Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Day (September 21)
  • Muslim Festival of Sacrifice (varies)
  • Christmas Day (December 25)

Political Stability

Ghana has a stable democratic system, with a presidential republic as the governmental structure. The country has a multi-party system, with election malpractice being largely curbed in recent years. The current ruling party is the New Patriotic Party, led by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

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