Your guide to being an expatriate in Seychelles

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Located in the western Indian Ocean, Seychelles is an archipelago made up of 115 islands, with only 33 being inhabited. Spanning over a million square kilometres of ocean, Seychelles' stunning isolation creates a unique environment for its flora and fauna. Known as the 'Garden of Eden', Seychelles is a melting pot of African, Indian, and European influences, which has been intertwined over more than 200 years. Today, Seychelles is a constitutional republic governed by multiple political parties.


Expat destinations in Seychelles

Demographics of Seychelles:

Ethnic groups

African Creole (65.5%), Indian (28.3%), European (3.7%), other (2.5%)


Seychelles Creole (Creole), English (official), French (official), Swahili

Religion Overview

Seychelles is predominantly Roman Catholic, with the religion played a significant role in Seychelles since European colonisation. The Bishops Conference of Seychelles is the highest church authority and oversees the country's Catholic congregation. Seychelles' Catholic population intermingle with Protestant and other small religious communities.

Major Religions


Tropical climate, with two distinctive seasons; December to March is the hot southeast monsoon season, while May to October is the cool southwest monsoon season. January to March is the warmest season, with temperatures around 26 degrees Celsius, while July to September is the coolest season, with temperatures around 24 degrees Celsius.

Economy Overview

With approximately 95% of the country's land being used for agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, Seychelles' economy is largely dependent on these industries. Primary exports include fish, copra, and cinnamon bark; while services such as financial services, transportation, and government services contribute significantly to the Seychelles' economy. Despite being a small economy, Seychelles actively works to maintain political stability, encourage foreign investment, and promote freedom of trade to further boost the economy.

Key Industries

  • Agriculture
  • Fisheries
  • Tourism
  • Financial services
  • Education

Major Companies

  • Seychelles Trading Co. Ltd.
  • National Insurance Ltd.
  • Seychelles Commercial Bank
  • Seycord Bank Ltd.
  • Cassia Bank Ltd.
  • Seychelles Development Commission

Culture and Language Overview

The lively culture of Seychelles is a melange of African, Indian, and European influences blended with its own unique identity. Creole music is the most popular type of music that originated from blending African, Indian, and European music styles. Seychelles' cuisine is a reflection of this mix, blending traditional dishes like curries, rice, and fish with seafood, coconut oil, and herbs. Traditional festivals such as La Digue Creole Festival, Patron Saint Festival, and Independence Day are popular celebrations among Seychelles

Cultural Highlights

  • La Digue Creole Festival: Held annually in November on La Digue Island, this festival celebrates Seychelles' Creole culture through music, dance, and food.
  • Fête nasionnale: Seychelles' National Day celebrated on June 19th, typically celebrated by flying the national flag, music, dance, and a traditional parade through urban streets.
  • Patron Saint Festival: This festival held in the first week of November is dedicated to Saint Joseph, who was believed by locals to bring them good harvests and prosperity.

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Located in the Indian Ocean, Seychelles' archipelago consists of approximately 115 granite and coralline islands spread across 1,394,942 square kilometres of ocean. Victoria, the capital city, is located on the main island, Mahé, while the second largest Seychelles island, Praslin, is renowned for its natural beauty

Notable Landmarks

  • Anse Source d'Argent (Praslin): Of immense natural beauty, this cove on the eastern side of Praslin has been called one of the top ten beaches in the world
  • Victoria Botanical Gardens (Mahé): Founded in 1860, this 15-acre garden hosts an array of indigenous flora along with rare and exotic plants.
  • Sainte Anne Marine National Park (Mahé): Established in December 1973, this marine national park covers an area of 91 sq. Kilometres and allows visitors to view corals, fishes and other marine life.
  • Morne Blanc (La Digue): An iconic landmark of Seychelles, located on La Digue, this granite monolith stands tall at a height of 393 metres above sea level.

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Africa Day (May 25)
  • Fête nasionnale (June 19)
  • Assumption (August 15)
  • Independence Day (June 29)
  • Christmas Day (December 25)
  • Boxing Day (December 26)

Political Stability

Seychelles is a constitutional republic that has been politically stable since independence in 1976. It has been a member of the Commonwealth of Nations since 1995, making English the country's official language. Reforms to the political structure have resulted in Seychelles being recognised as 'free' by Freedom House, and it is currently ranked 34th out of 190 countries in the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index. The country's consistently favourable political situation has led various multinationals to invest in its infrastructure and other essential sectors.

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