Your guide to being an expatriate in South Sudan

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South Sudan is an independent country since 2011, after gaining its independence from Sudan. The country is rich in natural resources such as petroleum, but its economy is still mainly agricultural, relying on crops like maize, millet, and sorghum. Ongoing civil wars in recent years have plunged the country into poverty and instability, manifesting in poor infrastructure, healthcare, and education systems.

South Sudan

Expat destinations in South Sudan

Demographics of South Sudan:

Ethnic groups

Dinka, Nuer, Bari, Shilluk, Azande, Anuak, Fertit, Bulnach, Kuku, Murle, Meidob, Bor, Lndo, Jiech, Maban, PPlugin, Shulbuild, Akur, Deur, Jollof, Turkana, Logonja, Kreshato, Tapoa, Lopit, Lotuku, Mundari


Dinka, Nuer, Bari, Shilluk, Azande, Anuak, Fertit, Bulnach, Kuku, Murle, Bor, Lndo, Jiech, Maban, PPlugin, Shulbuild, Akur, Deur, Jollof, Turkana, Logonja, Kreshato, Tapoa, Lopit, Lotuku, Mundari

Religion Overview

South Sudan has a diverse religious landscape with Christianity as the predominant religion. According to estimates, around 67% of the population follows Christians, mainly Catholics and Protestants, while around 23% are Muslims, and 10% follow traditional African religions.

Major Religions


The climate in South Sudan is tropical, with high temperatures and humidity. The country experiences two distinct rainy seasons, the long rains from April to October, and the short rains from December to February. Floods are a common occurrence during rainy seasons, adding to the emergent crisis in the country.

Economy Overview

The economy of South Sudan is dependent on agriculture, with subsistence farming being widespread, and crops like maize, sorghum, millet, and cassava being the primary cultivation. Fisheries and forestry contribute a small portion of the country's income, while a significant portion of the population relies on pastoralism. South Sudan has an enormous amount of oil resources, which make up over 95% of its exports, though political instability in recent years have drastically reduced its production and exports.

Key Industries

  • Agriculture
  • Fisheries
  • Forestry
  • Petroleum

Major Companies

    Culture and Language Overview

    The culture of South Sudan is diverse and rich, with a mix of traditional and modern influences. The country has a vibrant music scene, with different ethnic groups having distinct musical traditions, including stringed, wind, and percussion instruments. Crafts such as weaving, basketry, and pottery vary by ethnic group, reflecting their unique cultural heritage. South Sudan's cuisine includes dishes like xapan (mashed cassava) and barly (porridge made from barley flour and water). Due to its diverse culture, South Sudan serves as a melting pot of languages, with over 64 dialects and languages spoken.

    Cultural Highlights

    • Feasts and celebrations such as Ok songs, pongol (a dish made from sorghum or corn), and Garangdings (traditional horse races)
    • Richly decorated clothing and jewelry, such as the red and white Dinka cowhide beads and colorful Bari Pusun
    • Traditional dances like Bongo dance, Dinka Boun, and Mundari Jangdul
    • South Sudan traditions like Otuok Conditioning (a cleansing process that men go through to attain adult status)
    • Importance of family and community, emphasized in traditions such as Eriz (wedding ceremony), and the ritualized disputes called Rumani

    Geography and Landmarks Overview

    South Sudan covers a vast area, with sweeping plains, vast wildernesses, and towering mountains. Society is largely rural, and settlements are dispersed, with few large towns. The Nile River passes through South Sudan, teeming with fish and providing a source of irrigation. Wildlife is abundant in Sudan's many national parks, including river crocodiles, hippos, elephants, and antelopes.

    Notable Landmarks

    • Both Nile Falls
    • Simpson Memorial College
    • Giion Gandiaugang Church
    • Juba University
    • Palace of the President of South Sudan
    • St. Theresa’s Cathedral

    National Holidays

    • New Year's Day (January 1)
    • Liberation Day (July 9)
    • Martyrs' Day (October 15)
    • Independence Day (July 9)
    • Christmas Day (December 25)
    • Boxing Day (December 26)

    Political Stability

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