Your guide to being an expatriate in Afghanistan

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Nestled at the heart of Central and South Asia, Afghanistan is a melting pot of vibrant cultures, stunning landscapes, and a rapidly evolving economy. From the misty peaks of the Hindu Kush to the bustling streets of Kabul, there's a wealth of adventures and experiences that await every traveler who dares to step into this fascinating land. With a population of over 38 million, Afghanistan is a diverse nation with a rich tapestry of ethnic groups and languages - Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazaris, Uzbeks, Turkmens, and Balochs - all speaking Dari and Pashto. Join us as we embark on an unforgettable journey through one of the world's fastest-growing destinations!


Expat destinations in Afghanistan

Demographics of Afghanistan:

Ethnic groups

Other: 9%

Tajiks: 27%

Uzbeks: 5%

Balochs: 3%

Hazaris: 9%

Pashtuns: 42%

Turkmens: 4%


Dari: 55%

Other: 1%

Uzbek: 5%

Pashto: 35%

Balochi: 1%

Turkmen: 3%

Religion Overview

Afghanistan is predominantly Muslim, with over 99% of the population adhering to the faith. The majority belong to the Sunni denomination, with the Hazara community being the prominent Shia community.

Major Religions


Afghanistan's varied topography gives rise to different climatic zones. The mountainous regions, such as the Hindu Kush and the Pamir, experience a continental climate, marked by long winters and scorching summers. In contrast, the hot and arid plains of the southwest have desert-like conditions, while the central and eastern highlands experience extremes, ranging from bitterly cold winters to dry summers. The coastal regions, on the other hand, have a Mediterranean-influenced climate, characterized by relatively mild winters and hot summers.

Economy Overview

Afghanistan's economy is one of the world's fastest-growing economies, owing to rapid development and reconstruction in the wake of years of war and turmoil. The country's promising economic outlook is propelled by thriving agricultural and service sectors. Additionally, Afghanistan's rich deposits of copper, iron ore, lithium, and precious stones like emeralds and lapis lazuli are a significant potential resource base for further growth and industrialization.

Key Industries

  • Agriculture: primarily wheat, barley, grapes, tomatoes, olives, walnuts, apricots, pears, and opium poppy.
  • Mining and quarrying: lithium, copper, iron ore, precious stones
  • Construction: Rebuilding of war-ravaged infrastructure.
  • Services: Investments in Information and Communication technologies (ICT), Banking and Finance, Transportation, and Tourism.
  • Manufacturing and processing: Textiles, Leather, Confectionary, Cereal production, and Fish and fish products.

Major Companies

  • Sky Consulting Group
  • Global Infra Consulting Engineering Co.
  • Daiichi Sankyo Afghanistan S.R.O.
  • AfG Empire Telecom.
  • Asiatic Afghan Private Company.

Culture and Language Overview

Afghanistan's rich cultural heritage is a blend of centuries-old traditions and modern-day influences. From the mesmerizing rhythms of Afghan classical music to the colorful hues of Buzkashi - the national sport and national symbol, Afghanistan's culture is a tangible embodiment of its storied history and proud people.

Cultural Highlights

  • Buzkashi: Afghanistan's national sport, flying horses literally leap across the polo grounds as riders attempt to grab the carcass of a goat wrapped in a colorful shawl.
  • Melodic Rhythms of Afghan Music: Afghan classical music blends the vibrant beats of Persian instruments like the Tar, Ruby, Dambora, and Rubab, and infuses them with a uniquely Afghan flavor.
  • The hidden Chapters of Afghanistan's History: Afghanistan's rich history is a tangled web of myths and legends, ranging from the ancient Alexander the great and his fabulous conquests to the romantic tale of two legendary cities - Kabul and Kandahar.
  • The Art of Afghan Handicrafts: From intricate embroidery to stunningly beautiful textiles, Afghanistan's handicrafts exude a vibrancy and a richness that showcases the extraordinary array of talents that thrive in the country.
  • The Fragrant Beauty of Afghan Cuisine: From the heavenly Kabuli Pulao to the scrumptious Mantu, oh, to the delightful Bamian, Afghan food resonates with an inviting aroma and a tantalizing taste.
  • The Traditional Dresses of Afghanistan: Embroidered headscarves, long-flowing robes, and delicate trousers - Afghan women emanate a timeless charm and an effortless elegance that's hard to resist.
  • Afghan Folk Dancing: Afghanistan's folk tales come alive in its traditional dances - from the lively energy of the Attan to the passionate ardor of the Baccha, every step exudes a fiery spirit and a dazzling passion.

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Afghanistan's signature landscape ranges from the snow-capped peaks of the mighty Hindukush to the parched seabed of the coastal regions that are collecting silt at a rapid pace. The lush green valleys of Badakhshan, where the sun peeps through the thick green canopy and dapples the jungles with a surreal light, seem to come alive with the melody of a thousand birds that echo through the valley. The awe-inspiring mountains of Pamir feel like the edge of the world, as they vanish into the horizon, their splendor displayed for all the world to see.

Notable Landmarks

  • Bamyan: Hutted high in the soft undulations of the Himalayas, Bamyan - Afghanistan's second-largest city, is home to amazing ancient rock carvings that tell the story of Buddha.
  • Kabul: The Serene Capital City of Afghanistan, famous for its vibrant bazaars and bustling streets.
  • Herat: A city of beauty, literature, and art - the cultural ties between Afghanistan and Persia are enshrined in Herat, where the tradition of poetry and literature thrives to this day.
  • Mazar-e-Sharif: The Ruling City of the North, with an inspiring history, still reeling from the strife and tear of war, but eager to emerge as Afghanistan's future.
  • Jalalabad: The City of Gardens - several of Afghanistan's most beautiful landscaped gardens, and the cherished memories of Afghan hospitality and cultural richness call home.
  • Kandahar: The Hub of Southern Afghanistan, a rare complex fusion of conservative Pashtun culture balanced by its wealth of customs and festive celebrations.
  • Ghazni: The City of Learning - A Centre of Afghan Education at its inception with a taste of books as heavenly as celestial stars, the city also played a defining role in Afghanistan's past.
  • Faizabad: The Spiritual City - Faizabad is one of the holiest cities in Afghanistan, given its auspicious detention, with exceptional shrines where Sufi mystics rest in eternal peace.
  • Khost: A point on the map on the eastern fringes of Afghanistan, remarkably beautiful with its surprisingly green hills and its negligent presence next to the border with Pakistan.
  • Gardez: The Silent City - a blend of ancient and modern cultures, known for its captivatingly serene atmosphere, with the ruins of a formidable fortress looming over the city.
  • Zabul: The City of Festivals - Celebrated yearly for Zabul's newly found liberty, echoes of music and merry-making fill the air with a laugh that's truly unique.
  • Kani Shahin: A library, dedicated to Afghan history and the country's cultural heritage, set in the quaint and picturesque Loy Kandahar.
  • Bonj Village: Known for an archaeological site that spans through Peru as well, Bonj is a UNESCO heritage site where some of the oldest Greek statues and artefacts continue to earn respect and admiration.
  • Band-e-Amir: A string of six lakes looming high and shining stunningly in the glaring daylight. The lofty heights and the awe-inspiringly magnificent view of Band-e Amir is the pride of Afghanistan.
  • Pol-e-Khaitor: A 19th-century citadel high in the Bamyan Valley, believed to have been the treasury of the Ahmad Shah Durrani and housed UNESCO World Heritage Sites-- Challenging ruins, despite the harsh conditions, calling out to brighter times.

National Holidays

  • January 1: New Year's Day
  • April 25: Sizdah Bedar (Persian New Year)
  • May 1: Labor Day
  • August 19: Independence Day
  • October 2: Eid ul-Fitr (End of Ramadan)
  • January 12 or 13: Eid ul-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice)
  • December 25: Christmas Day

Political Stability

Afghanistan's political stability has been a challenge for the country in recent years, as it attempts to rebuild after years of war and conflict. Politics in Afghanistan are predominantly shaped by ethnic, religious and regional affiliations. The ongoing peace process with the Taliban and negotiations for a regional political order potentially setting the stage for a more stable future. Afghan women continue to be a marginalized presence, battling unchecked violence, injustice and oppression, with causes for both grief and hope. The Afghan people are working towards healing their wounds from a long and traumatic history, their resilience and persistence calling out for a future yet to be written.

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