Your guide to being an expatriate in Cambodia

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Nestled in Southeast Asia, Cambodia is a hidden gem for expats seeking adventure, history, and culture. Its capital city, Phnom Penh, is a hub of modernity while retaining its traditional charm. Cambodia is home to Angkor Wat, one of the world's largest religious monuments, and the bustling capital is intertwined with the stunning Mekong River. Cambodia is also known for its delicious Khmer cuisine, which combines sweet, sour, salty, and spicy flavors.


Expat destinations in Cambodia

Demographics of Cambodia:

Ethnic groups

Khmer: 90% (official), Vietnamese: 5%, Chinese: 1%, other: 4%


Khmer: 95%, Vietnamese: 2%, Thai: 1%, other: 2% (includes Chok, Chinese dialects, and hill tribe languages) - Language quotes are estimates.

Religion Overview

Cambodia is predominantly Theravada Buddhist with 97% of the population adhering to that faith.

Major Religions


Cambodia has a tropical climate characterized by high humidity and a rainy season that spans from May to October.

Economy Overview

Cambodia's economy is predominantly agricultural, with rice being the primary crop. The country's GDP growth has been strong, and it has attracted foreign investment in various sectors such as garments, tourism, and construction.

Key Industries

  • Agriculture
  • Tourism
  • Garment manufacturing
  • Construction
  • Infrastructure development

Major Companies

  • Mamoun Investment Group
  • Camac Executive Search
  • LMM Group
  • Komin Group
  • BCG Cambodia

Culture and Language Overview

Cambodia's culture is heavily influenced by Buddhism and Chinese traditions, and it is characterized by beautiful traditional dances, music, and art.

Cultural Highlights

  • Water Festival - Celebrated annually in November, this festival marks the end of rainy season and traditional boat races take place along the Mekong River
  • Khmer New Year - Celebrated in mid-April for three days, this festival includes traditional dances, street parades, and water splashing to represent the cleansing
  • Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda - These monuments are the seat of the Cambodian royal family and serve as a testament to the country's rich history
  • Khmer Traditional Dance - This traditional dance is characterized by intricate movements and depicts stories from Cambodian history and Buddhist mythology
  • Spending time in rural areas - Amidst the hustle and bustle of the cities, expats should take some time to experience the quieter and simpler daily life of rural Cambodia

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Cambodia's landscape is defined by its vast rice paddies, dense forests, and winding rivers such as the Mekong River that stretch throughout the country.

Notable Landmarks

  • Angkor Wat
  • Phnom Penh Central Market
  • Boeng Tey Sengkrom
  • Preah Khan Bel
  • Koh Ker Archaeological Ruins

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Independence Day (November 9)
  • Khmer New Year (April 13-15)
  • King Sihamoni's Birthday (May 14)
  • Queen Mother Norodom Monineath Sihanouk's Birthday (July 14)
  • King Norodom Sihamoni’s Coronation Day (October 29)

Political Stability

Cambodia has experienced political instability in recent years, with disputes over elections and an alleged crackdown on opposition parties. The country remains predominantly authoritarian, but efforts have been made to address human rights concerns and strengthen democracy.

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