Your guide to being an expatriate in Japan

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Japan is an archipelago nation in Asia, consisting of four main islands and several smaller ones. Known for its advanced technologies, vibrant culture, and stunning landscapes, Japan has a rich history dating back over 2,000 years. Its modern capital, Tokyo, is a bustling metropolis with an eclectic mix of old and new, while the ancient city of Kyoto offers a window into the country's golden past.


Expat destinations in Japan

Demographics of Japan:

Ethnic groups

Korean: 0.5%

Chinese: 0.4%

Japanese: 98.5%


English: Emerging

Japanese: Primary

Religion Overview

Japan's religion is largely influenced by its long history of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Shintoism. These religions have evolved over time, with some syncretic traditions emerging. Traditionally, ancestor worship is a significant part of Japanese culture, and numerous shrines and temples throughout the country serve as places of reflection and devotion.

Major Religions


Japan is located in the temperate zone, and its climate is generallyhumid due to its location in an area of convergence between Pacific maritime and continental air masses. As a result, the country experiences four distinct seasons.

Economy Overview

With a GDP of $5.07 trillion (2021), Japan is the world's third-largest economy by nominal GDP and the fourth-largest economy by purchasing power parity (PPP). Japan is characterized by a highly advanced industrial base, rich technology, and a high standard of living. The key industries driving the Japanese economy include electronics, automotive manufacturing, and precision equipment.

Key Industries

  • Electronics
  • Automotive Manufacturing
  • Precision Equipment

Major Companies

  • Sony Corporation
  • Toyota Motor Corporation
  • Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Culture and Language Overview

Japan's rich cultural history is reflected in its customs, traditions, and art. Contemporary Japanese culture is a fascinating blend of old and new, and it is celebrated worldwide. The country is well-known for its anime, manga, cuisine, and festivals. The Japanese language, written using three different scripts, is developing rapidly, particularly in urban areas.

Cultural Highlights

  • Anime and Manga
  • Cuisine (Ramen, Sushi, and Soba)
  • Festivals (Sakura, Obon, New Year's Day)

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Japan is an archipelago nation consisting of four main islands and several smaller ones. Its terrain is predominantly mountainous, and it is home to a number of active volcanoes. The Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami in 2011 were some of the most devastating catastrophes in the country's history.

Notable Landmarks

  • Mount Fuji - Japan's highest mountain, a symbol of the country's culture and heritage
  • Golden Pavilion (Kinkaku-ji) - A famous zen temple covered in gold leaf
  • Sensoji Temple - Tokyo's oldest temple, dedicated to the goddess of mercy and compassion

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Coming of Age Day (Second Monday in January)
  • National Foundation Day (February 11)
  • Vernal Equinox Day (March 20)
  • Shōwa Day (April 29)
  • Constitution Memorial Day (May 3)
  • Greenery Day (May 4)
  • Children's Day (May 5)
  • Marine Day (Third Monday in July)
  • Mountain Day (August 11)
  • Respect for the Aged Day (Third Monday in September)
  • Autumnal Equinox Day (September 23)
  • Culture Day (November 3)

Political Stability

Japan is a prosperous, stable, and peaceful nation with a vibrant democracy. It is ranked as the world's 21st most powerful country by the 2021 Global Power Index published by the U.S. News & World Report, and it is widely regarded as an economic and technological superpower. Issues such as an ageing population, low fertility rates, and a high national debt are among the society's most pressing concerns.

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