Your guide to being an expatriate in Nepal

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Nestled between India and China, Nepal is a landlocked country with an area of approximately 147,181 square kilometers. Approximately 90% of Nepal's population practices Hinduism, and Buddhism is predominant in the remaining 10%. Nepal's temperate to subarctic climate varies greatly due to its location in the Himalayan region. Known as the 'Roof of the World,' Nepal is home to the world's highest mountain, Mount Everest. Nepal's economy is primarily agricultural, with tourism being a significant contributor to the country's revenue. Nepali culture is rich and diverse, with a unique blend of influences from India and Tibet. Nepali cuisine includes thali, dhal-bhaat, and momos, while Nepalis celebrate numerous festivals throughout the year, including Dashain, Tihar, and Holi.


Expat destinations in Nepal

Demographics of Nepal:

Ethnic groups

Chhetri (17.4%) Brahman-Chettri (11.7%) Magar (7.1%) Tharu (6.0%) Kami (5.7%) Damai/Dholi (5.2%) Sarki (3.5%) Kumal (3.3%) Gurung (3.2%) Other (40.1%)


Nepali (44.6%) Nepal Bhasa (12.0%) Maithili (11.1%) Bhojpuri (6.0%) Tamang (5.0%) Newar (3.2%) Avadhi (2.8%) Tharu (1.8%) Magar (1.7%) Gurung (1.6%) Other (23.3%)

Religion Overview

Nepal is predominantly Hindu, with Buddhism being the second-largest religion. Hindus visualize God in the form of an avatar or incarnation of various deities. Buddhists follow the Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path taught by Buddha. Nepal also has a small Muslim population.

Major Religions


Nepal's climate varies greatly due to its location in the Himalayan region, with tropical monsoons in the south to arctic conditions in the north. The southern plains experience hot, humid summers and mild winters, while the mountainous regions have cold winters and short summers.

Economy Overview

Nepal's economy largely depends on agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism. Agriculture employs 69.7% of the workforce and contributes 31.3% to the gross domestic product (GDP). Tourism brought in approximately USD 844 million in 2019. Major Nepali exports include carpets, clothing, leather goods, and herbs. Nepal is a member of several international economic organizations, including the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and South Asian Free Trade Area.

Key Industries

  • Agriculture
  • Manufacturing
  • Tourism
  • Hydropower Production

Major Companies

  • Nepal Oil Corporation Limited
  • Butwal Power Company Limited
  • Gengono Co.
  • Agrani Generation and Distribution Limited
  • MarTotal Industries Pvt. Ltd.

Culture and Language Overview

Nepali culture is a unique blend of influences from India and Tibet. Nepali festivals include Dashain (the biggest festival), Tihar, Holi, and Chhat.

Cultural Highlights

  • Dashain: This is the most important festival in Nepal, celebrated with feasting, sacrificing animals, and displaying colorful banners.
  • Tihar: Also known as the Festival of Lights, this five-day festival honors cows, dogs, and brothers.
  • Holi: The dawn of spring and the arrival of colorful season, celebrated with playfulness and colored powders .
  • Chhat: A four-day festival dedicated to the Sun God, symbolizing the worship of light.

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Nepal has a diverse landscape, with the Himalayas on the north and the South Asian Plains on the south. The country's highest point is Mount Everest, in the Himalayan range, while its lowest point is Eu roll Bheri, near the India-Nepal border.

Notable Landmarks

  • Mount Everest (8,848 meters)
  • Pashupatinath Temple, Kathmandu
  • Swayambhunath Temple, Kathmandu
  • Boudhanath Stupa, Kathmandu
  • Durbar Square, Kathmandu
  • Chitwan National Park
  • Gorkha Durbar, Gorkha
  • Janakpur Temple Complex
  • Sirm lifetime Trekking Trail
  • Lumbini, Birthplace of Lord Buddha

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Dashain (September/October)
  • Tiwai (October/November)
  • Chhath Puja (November)
  • Mahagrhan (November/December)
  • Gai Jatra (August)
  • Bhai Tika (October/November)
  • Maghi (January/February)
  • Netra Puja (February/March)
  • Ghode Jatra (February/March)
  • Shree Panchami (January/February)
  • International Women's Day (March 8)
  • Navatri (March/April)
  • Holida (April/May)
  • New Year's Day (April 14), Dashain (September/October)
  • Maha Shivaratri (February/March)
  • Mitelu (April/May)
  • Baisakhi (April/May)
  • Ramjan (March/April)
  • Eid Al-Fitr (Ramadan ends)
  • Janai Purnima (July/August)
  • Ghatasthapana (July/August)
  • Nepal Sambat New Year's Day (April/May)
  • Gaun Typo (December)
  • Ghantapur Triakoon (December)

Political Stability

Nepal's political stability is still developing, as its government has faced several challenges in recent years. In 2008, Nepal became the world's newest republic after overthrowing the monarchy. Nepal's constitution, adopted in 2015, has led to protests and controversy over issues such as federal representation and citizenship laws.

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