Your guide to being an expatriate in Uzbekistan

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Uzbekistan, formerly part of the Soviet Union, emerged as an independent nation in 1991. It is a double landlocked country situated in the heart of Central Asia, surrounded by five countries, namely Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Turkmenistan. With fertile farmlands, extensive valleys, and rich supply of minerals, Uzbekistan has abundance in natural resources that supports its diverse economy. It is a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and has joined various international organizations like the UN, BRICS, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.


Expat destinations in Uzbekistan

Demographics of Uzbekistan:

Ethnic groups

Uzbek: 85.7% (2021 est.) Russian: 5.1% Tajik: 2.3% Korean: 1.6% Ukranian: 1.0% Other: 4.2%


Uzbek: official (Latin alphabet since 1993, based on the Russian alphabet; Cyrillic alphabet until 1993) Russian: originally official; still commonly used Uzbek (Cyrillic alphabet): also former official script

Religion Overview

Uzbekistan is predominantly Muslim, with about 88% (2011 est.) of the population adhering to the religion. The remaining 12% belongs to various Christian and non-religious communities.

Major Religions


Uzbekistan's climate is mainly continental and is characterized by hot, dry summers and cold winters. It is one of the most arid nations in the world, with few rivers and low precipitation levels.

Economy Overview

Uzbekistan's economy largely depends on agriculture, manufacturing, and mining. Cotton production is a significant contributor to its agricultural sector, while aluminum, gold, uranium, and oil are its chief mining resources. The country is also rich in natural gas, which constitutes the largest share of its energy production.

Key Industries

  • Agriculture
  • Manufacturing
  • Mining
  • Electricity and Gas Supply
  • Construction
  • Trade
  • Hotels and Restaurants
  • Transportation and Storage
  • Administrative and Support Service Activities
  • Information and Communication
  • Financial Intermediation
  • Professional, Scientific, and Technical Activities
  • Public Administration and Defense
  • Education
  • Healthcare and Social Assistance

Major Companies

  • Uzbekistan Temir Yollari
  • UzAvtoProm
  • EMUZ Limited Liability Company
  • Uzbekistan Aluminium Products JSC
  • Uzbekneftegaz
  • Uzbekistan Temir Yurtlari
  • Uzbekistan GLONASS Service
  • Uzbekistan Oil and Gas Construction
  • Uzbekistan Artificial Limbs Plant
  • Kukcha Spritley Plc
  • National Pharmaceutical Corporation Ginwour Medical, LLC
  • UzbekChemTradeGas JV
  • Uzbekistan Universal Gas Equipment

Culture and Language Overview

Uzbekistan has a rich cultural heritage that is heavily influenced by its historical past. It shares cultural ties with neighboring Central Asian nations as well as with Russia and the Middle East. The nation is known for its revered classical music, folk dance, and vibrant arts.

Cultural Highlights

  • Navoi Opera and Ballet Theatre
  • Amir Temur Museum
  • Khazrati Imam Complex
  • Itchan Kala Historical Complex
  • Sharq Taron
  • Analoque Cultural Centre
  • Uzbekistan National Academy of Sciences
  • Uzbekistan State Museum of Arts
  • Uzbekistan National Museum

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Uzbekistan is primarily made up of vast deserts interspersed with mountainous regions and fertile river valleys. It is home to several key landmarks that serve as a testament to its diverse heritage. Some of its most prominent landmarks include ancient citadels, mausoleums, and holy places.

Notable Landmarks

  • Registan
  • Bukhara Old City
  • Shakhrisabz Historical Centre
  • Samarakand Registan
  • Samarakand Observatory
  • Tashkent Metro
  • Margilan Sunday Bazaar
  • Khiva Old City
  • Ichan Kala Historical Complex
  • Chor-Bakr Madrasah and Mausoleum
  • Konye Urgench Ancient City
  • Modar Bazaar
  • Turdakhan Madrasah and Mausoleum
  • Ak Saray Palace
  • Devon-Begi Mausoleum

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (1 January)
  • International Day of Defenders of Freedom of Speech and Media (3 May)
  • Constitution Day (8 May)
  • Navruz (21 March)
  • Independence Day (1 September)
  • National Unity Day (4 October)

Political Stability

Uzbekistan's political system has been evolving since its independence, with Shavkat Mirziyoyev assuming the presidency in 2016. The country has been transitioning from an authoritarian regime to a more authoritarian-phasing regime marked by significant political and economic reforms. While political freedom and civil liberties are still restricted, the government is working towards improving public administration, economic development, and international collaborations.

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