Your guide to being an expatriate in Aruba

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Nestled in the southern Caribbean Sea, Aruba is a 32-kilometer-long island that's part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. This idyllic destination draws tourists and expats alike with its powdery white sand, crystal-clear waters, and inviting atmosphere. In addition to breathtaking scenery, Aruba offers a variety of cultural experiences, salubrious climate, and thriving economy, setting it apart from other Caribbean islands. Approximately 107,000 people call Aruba home, making it one of the most densely populated islands in the region.


Expat destinations in Aruba

Demographics of Aruba:

Ethnic groups

Aruba's population is predominantly of Afro-Caribbean descent, accounting for around 70%. Other ethnic groups include Europeans, East Asians, and South Americans.


The official languages of Aruba are Dutch, Papiamento, and English.

Religion Overview

Religion plays a significant role in Aruban society, and the majority of the population practices Protestantism or Roman Catholicism.

Major Religions


Aruba enjoys a tropical desert climate, characterized by average temperatures of around 27 degrees Celsius throughout the year and low humidity levels. The island experiences minimal rainfall, making it an ideal destination for sun-seekers and beach enthusiasts.

Economy Overview

Aruba's economy is a mix of service and industrial sectors, with tourism as the principal driver of growth. Other significant industries include finance, healthcare, and agribusiness.

Key Industries

  • Tourism: Aruba is a popular vacation spot, and the hotel and leisure industry is a significant contributor to the island's GDP.
  • Finance: Aruba's central location in the Caribbean and its highly skilled workforce have made it a hub for financial services, including insurance, banking, and asset management.
  • Healthcare: The healthcare sector in Aruba is well-developed, with state-of-the-art facilities and a high standard of medical care.

Major Companies

  • Americas Multiplex
  • Albertus Organization
  • Arubian Outsourcers
  • CommBank (Commonwealth Bank of Australia Aruba Branch)

Culture and Language Overview

Aruba's vibrant culture is a mix of African, European, and South American influences, resulting in a unique Creole language called Papiamento. Celebrations and festivals are an essential part of island life, with the annual Festival di Kadushi and Carnaval some of the most popular events.

Cultural Highlights

  • Festival di Kadushi: Dating back to the Aruban Indians, this celebration honors the unavoidable Kadushi cactus flower and involves traditional dances and costumes.
  • Carnaval: Known as 'The Grand Carnaval of the Caribbean,' this rowdy and colorful festivity is an explosion of sound, music, and dance.
  • Culture by Night: This event takes place every Thursday at the Renaissance Marketplace and features live bands, traditional dance performances, and delicious cuisine.

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Aruba's physical characteristics include rolling hills, gorgeous coral reefs, and stunning beaches, including Eagle Beach and Palm Beach. Outside of the coastline, the island features a mix of arid landscapes and lush greenery.

Notable Landmarks

  • Ayo Rock Formation: Located in the northwest of the island, these geological formations are classified as a Natural Monument and offer spectacular views.
  • Hulaba Libis: This site, also known as Casibari Rock Formation, is home to the highest natural point in Aruba and features numerous caves to explore.
  • California Lighthouse: Named after the gold rush of California in the mid-19th century, this historic lighthouse overlooks the Caribbean Sea and provides stunning views of the coastline.

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • National Holiday (April 18)
  • King's Day (December 31)
  • Good Friday
  • St. Joseph's Day (March 19)
  • Queen's Birthday (April 30)
  • Independence Day (December 1)
  • Christmas Day (December 25)

Political Stability

Aruba is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and its political system is based on the Dutch model. The island has a Parliamentary Democracy with a multi-party system, and the Prime Minister serves as the head of government. Aruba's stable political climate is largely due to its solid economic performance, coupled with its commitment to transparency and the rule of law.

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