Your guide to being an expatriate in Honduras

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Tucked between Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua, Honduras is a small country with a rich culture and fascinating history. Although it gained its independence from Spain in the early 19th century, it would be another century before the area was formally recognized as the Republic of Honduras. Over time, Honduras has emerged as a growing economy, with exports including commodities like coffee, bananas, and palm oil, as well as textiles, apparel, and electronic products. Its varied landscape includes dense forests, rolling mountains, and picturesque waterfalls, while traditional (and contemporary!) Maya, Miskito, and Garifuna cultures offer unique opportunities for exploration and enrichment. With an estimated population of over 8 million people, Honduras is home to a diversely-spoken community of Spanish, indigenous languages, and Afro-Caribbean dialects.


Expat destinations in Honduras

Demographics of Honduras:

Ethnic groups

Mestizo (56%), White (22%), Miskito (14%), Black (5%), Lenca (2%), Catracho (1%).


Spanish (official) 97%, indigenous languages 3% (Miskito, Tawahka, Pech, Lenca, Garifuna).

Religion Overview

Honduras has a predominantly Roman Catholic population, with smaller Protestant (Pentecostal, Baptist, Seventh-day Adventist, and Methodist) and indigenous religious groups.

Major Religions


Tropical and subtropical. Hot and humid along the eastern coast, and somewhat drier and cooler in the western highlands.

Economy Overview

Honduras' economy is primarily agriculturally-oriented, with exports including coffee, bananas, shrimp, palm oil, and textiles.

Key Industries

  • Agriculture
  • Manufacturing
  • Construction
  • Services
  • Mining and Quarrying.

Major Companies

  • Banco Atlántida
  • Patrón Energy Group
  • Ficosa Honduras
  • Tigo
  • PepsiCo

Culture and Language Overview

The vibrant cultures of Honduras include traditional arts and crafts, lively festivals, and delicious cuisine. The Maya, Miskito, and Garifuna peoples maintain distinctive ancestral traditions. Spanish is the official language, spoken by 97% of the population, with indigenous languages including Miskito, Tawahka, Pech, Lenca, and Garifuna making up the remainder.

Cultural Highlights

  • La Entrada" festival in April (Copán); "Semana Catereta" in July (Roatán); "Carnaval Atlántico" in February (Trujillo); Honduran cuisine, featuring dishes such as baleadas, sopa de carpetas, platanos con pollo, and tajadas made from plantains.

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Honduras is home to some of Central America's most beautiful landscapes, including the cloud forests of Montaña de la Flor and the Majawá dry forest. Lago de Yojoa, the country's largest body of freshwater, offers opportunities for swimming, fishing, and camping, while the Garifuna coastline hosts secluded beaches and laid-back coastal towns. Major landmarks include the ancient Maya city of Copán, the Spanish colonial capital of Comayagua, and the lush heartland filled with vast banana plantations, coffee plantations, and scenic byways leading to small villages.

Notable Landmarks

  • Parque Nacional Jeanette K. Herrera
  • Lake Yojoa
  • Copán Ruinas
  • Lake Izabal
  • Pico de Montaña California

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day
  • Epiphany
  • Good Friday
  • Labour Day
  • Corpus Christi
  • Independence Day (15 September)
  • All Saints' Day
  • Constitution Day
  • Christmas
  • Boxing Day

Political Stability

Honduras has a semi-presidential presidential republic with a unicameral congressional system. The country has experienced a long history of political instability and unrest, punctuated by violent and conflicting military regimes, economic crises, gang violence, and political corruption. As of 2021, Honduras ranked 133rd out of 180 in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index.

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