Your guide to being an expatriate in Georgia

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Georgia, officially known as Georgia (GE), is a sovereign country located at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Western Asia. Bordered by Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Turkey, Georgia spans an area of 69,700 square kilometers and is home to a population of approximately 3.7 million people. While the capital city, Tbilisi, is the cultural and economic hub of the country, other major cities include Kutaisi, Batumi, and Rustavi.


Expat destinations in Georgia

Demographics of Georgia:

Ethnic groups

Russian: 3%

Armenian: 1%

Georgian: 95%

Azerbaijani: 1%


Georgian (Mengrelian and Laz dialects): 100%

Religion Overview

Georgia is predominantly Christian with the Georgian Orthodox Church being the largest religious organization in the country. Islam is the second major religion followed by small communities of Jews, Armenian Gregorians, and Armenian Apostolic Christians.

Major Religions


Georgia features a diverse climate with mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. The coastal regions experience a Mediterranean climate, while the inland mountainous zones experience a continental climate. Snowfall is common in the winter months, while temperatures can reach up to 40°C in summer.

Economy Overview

Georgia boasts a developing market economy characterized by a diversifying industrial base, increasing foreign investment, and significant progress in economic and political reforms. The country's key sectors include services, banking, manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism.

Key Industries

  • Automobile production
  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • IT and business process outsourcing (BPO)
  • Tourism
  • Agriculture
  • Banking and finance
  • Energy
  • Mining
  • Retail and distribution

Major Companies

  • Georgian Oil and Gas Corporation
  • Galt and Taggart (service industry)
  • Bank of Georgia
  • Georgian Railway (Japan-backed)
  • Georgia's Silk Road (joint project with China)
  • Caucasus Broadcasting Company
  • City Heart (holding company)
  • Interselect (money transfer)
  • Geo Alliance (insurance and reinsurance)

Culture and Language Overview

Georgian culture is a unique blend of Eastern and Western influences characterized by intricate traditional arts and crafts such as silk hand weaving, wood carving, and pottery. The country is also renowned for its rich musical and folk dance heritage.

Cultural Highlights

  • Mtskheta: A UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Kvemo Kartli region, Mtskheta is considered the spiritual heart of Georgia and is home to several ancient churches.
  • Gelati Monastery: Located in the western region of Imereti, Gelati Monastery is a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its stunning architectural design and intricate frescoes.
  • Batumi Botanical Garden: Spread over 135 hectares, the Batumi Botanical Garden is home to over 3,000 plant species, including a variety of endemic flora.
  • Georgian Polyphonic Singing: A unique form of a cappella singing characterized by intricate rhythms and harmonies, Georgian polyphonic singing is a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.
  • Georgian Wine: Known for its unique grape varietals and production methods, Georgian wine has garnered international acclaim and has seen a significant boost in recent times.

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Georgia is a mountainous country dotted with breathtaking landscapes, crystal-clear lakes, and surreal gorges. The country is also known for its numerous ancient archaeological sites and charming medieval villages.

Notable Landmarks

  • Mount Kazbek: One of the highest peaks in the Caucasus region, Mount Kazbek offers stunning views of the surrounding valleys and peaks.
  • Svaneti: An ancient province nestled in the central Caucasus Mountains, Svaneti is known for its picturesque villages, traditional Svanetian towers, and scenic hiking trails.
  • Tusheti: Another stunning region located in the eastern part of Georgia, Tusheti boasts surreal mountainscapes, glaciers, and traditional stone towers.
  • Svetitskhoveli Cathedral: Located in Mtskheta, the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral is a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its stunning architectural design and unique murals.
  • Gergeti Trinity Church: Perched on the slopes of Mount Kazbek, the Gergeti Trinity Church is a stunning architectural marvel offering stunning views of the surrounding peaks and valleys.

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Georgian Independence Day (May 26)
  • Saint George's Day (November 23)
  • Christmas Day (January 7) according to the Julian calendar
  • Orthodox Christmas Day (January 7)
  • Momiko (Martyr) and Kipiani (Confessor) Memorial Day (January 14)
  • Saint Nino's Day (January 14)
  • Saba's Mind Rest Memorial Day (May 14)
  • Saint prroduce David the Builder Memorial Day (October 4)
  • Autonomous Republic of Ajaria Independence Day (August 22)

Political Stability

Georgia has experienced significant political and economic reforms since achieving independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. The country's political system is based on a unitary multiparty constitutional republic, and international observers have praised the country's independent judiciary and free press.

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