Expat Guide to Living in Lithuania

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Welcome to your comprehensive guide for expats planning to move or travel to Lithuania, the stunning European country nestled between the Baltic Sea and Poland to the south, Latvia to the north, Belarus to the east, and Poland and the Baltic Sea to the west. With a rich history, unique culture, and welcoming people, Lithuania has a lot to offer. In this article, we will cover essential topics for expats, such as the cost of living, healthcare, education, safety, and cultural nuances to help you settle comfortably into your new home. Let's embark on this exciting journey together.

Understanding Lithuanian Culture

Lithuania's rich history dates back to the 13th century, and its culture reflects its diverse past. Lithuanians place great importance on traditions, family, and community. Their love for nature is evident in their multiple national parks and vibrant festivals. During your stay, don't miss the opportunity to experience traditional foods and folklore.

Cost of Living in Lithuania

Compared to western European countries, the cost of living in Lithuania is relatively low. You may find lower prices for everyday goods and services, such as groceries, dining, and utilities. However, keep in mind that wages are generally lower as well. That being said, an average expat can maintain a comfortable lifestyle with a bit of budgeting.


Choosing the right accommodation is crucial for a productive and enjoyable stay in Lithuania. Expats often opt for apartments in the city centers due to their proximity to essential services and amenities. Local real estate agencies can help you find suitable properties based on your preferences and budget. Whether you prefer a modern apartment or a traditional brick building, you'll find a variety of options.

Healthcare and Insurance in Lithuania

Lithuania's healthcare system is among the best in Europe, offering quality care and affordability. The public healthcare system is accessible to all residents, with residents paying for certain services through social security contributions. Expats often opt for private healthcare insurance for additional coverage and peace of mind. Be sure to consult with your insurance provider before traveling or moving.

Education in Lithuania

Lithuania offers a world-class education system with modern facilities and well-trained teachers. International schools and bilingual programs cater to expat children, providing them with a quality education in their native language. For adult learners, numerous universities and language schools offer courses in English and other popular languages.

Safety and Security in Lithuania

Lithuania is generally considered a safe country, with a relatively low crime rate compared to other European nations. Expats can feel secure in their daily lives, both in urban and rural areas. It's essential to be aware of your surroundings and common safety precautions, such as not carrying large amounts of cash and avoiding poorly lit areas at night.


Moving to or traveling to Lithuania comes with its unique challenges and rewards. With a thriving economy, low cost of living, and rich history and culture, this hidden gem offers an excellent opportunity for expats to live, work, and explore. By understanding Lithuania's culture, cost of living, healthcare, education, and safety, you'll be well on your way to a successful and enjoyable experience. We hope this guide has given you valuable insight and information. Wishing you all the very best on your Lithuanian adventure!