Your guide to being an expatriate in Malta

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Located in the central Mediterranean, Malta is an archipelago consisting of three main islands: Malta, Gozo, and Comino. With a population of around 430,000, Malta is one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in Europe. The official languages are Maltese and English, both of which are official and widely spoken. Malta has a rich history, having been inhabited by several civilizations including the Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs, Normans, Spanish, and French, leaving a lasting cultural and architectural legacy.


Expat destinations in Malta

Demographics of Malta:

Ethnic groups

Maltese: 95.6% Other: 4.4%


Maltese: Official language spoken by 95% of the population, English: Co-official language spoken by 95% of the population

Religion Overview

Malta is a predominantly Catholic country, with the Catholic Church playing a significant role in Maltese society and culture.

Major Religions


Malta has a Mediterranean climate, with hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters. Temperatures can reach up to 40°C in the summer and drop to 7°C in the winter.

Economy Overview

Malta has a thriving economy, with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita of $40,800 (2021). The economy is diversified, with key industries including tourism, financial services, and manufacturing. The country has a favorable business environment with a low tax regime, making it an attractive destination for foreign investment.

Key Industries

  • Tourism
  • Financial Services
  • Manufacturing
  • Shipping and Logistics
  • IT and Technology
  • Creative Industries

Major Companies

  • Swiss Life
  • Royal Bank of Scotland
  • Cassiarai Technologies
  • Cable TV Malta
  • Air Malta

Culture and Language Overview

Malta has a rich cultural heritage, with influences from its past rulers. The country is home to several world-renowned cultural sites, including the ancient city of Mdina and the megalithic temples at Ggantija. Malta has a vibrant arts and culture scene, with a thriving music, theatre, and dance community. The national festival, known as Festa, is celebrated twice a year and is an important cultural and religious event.

Cultural Highlights

  • Mdina: A fortified city dating back to the Phoenician era, currently serving as Malta's administrative and cultural centre.
  • Ggantija: A group of megalithic temples on Gozo, considered as one of the oldest freestanding structures in the world.
  • Feasts: Colorful and festive celebrations in honor of patron saints, highlights of Maltese culture.
  • Traditional Maltese Cuisine: A blend of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and North African flavors like pastizzi, ftirra, and kapunata.
  • Opera House: A cutting-edge venue for cultural and artistic events, with striking architecture and high-tech facilities.
  • Museo Casa Wales: Ernest Hebert's former home turned into a museum showcasing 20th-century art, antiques, and decor.

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Malta's landscape is characterized by its hilly terrain, rugged coastline, and crystal-clear Mediterranean waters. The country is home to several notable landmarks, including the capital city Valletta, the megalithic temples on Malta and Gozo, and the azure waters of the Blue Lagoon.

Notable Landmarks

  • Valletta: A UNESCO World Heritage Site and the smallest capital city in the European Union.
  • Megalithic Temples: Ancient stone structures, some dating back to 3600 BC, scattered throughout Malta.
  • Blue Lagoon: A stunning blue-green inlet nestled between Comino and Cominotto islands.
  • Hal Saflieni Hypogeum: An underground archaeological site filled with intricate carvings and chambers.
  • The Salinas: A vast expanses of salt pans blessed with a world of color, often caught in postcard-perfect images.
  • Dingli Cliffs: A dizzy heights of nearly 230 meters commanding spectaclular and panoramic views that belie the stature of Malta.

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Feast of the Three Wise Men (January 6)
  • Feast of the Annunciation (March 25)
  • Good Friday (varies yearly)
  • Easter Sunday (varies yearly)
  • Easter Monday (varies yearly)
  • Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker (May 1)
  • Sant'Anton (June 13)
  • Mary of Carmel (July 16)
  • Assumption (August 15)
  • Feast of Saint Catherine (November 25)
  • Maria Addolorata (November 29)
  • Guitne Restaurant (December 8)
  • Immaculate Conception (December 8)
  • Feast of Santa Lucia (December 13)
  • Christmas Day (December 25)
  • Saints Stephan, Laurence, and Boxing Day (December 26)

Political Stability

Malta is a parliamentary democracy and a member of the British Commonwealth. The country enjoys political stability, high levels of transparency, and a strong democratic tradition, ranked as one of the least corrupt countries in the world. Maltese politics is dominated by two main political parties, the Labour Party and the Nationalist Party.

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