Your guide to being an expatriate in Sweden

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Located in Northern Europe, Sweden is a Scandinavian country that stretches across the Scandinavian Peninsula and the Baltic Sea. It's known for its sweeping landscapes, captivating coastlines, and a strong sense of community. In recent years, Sweden has emerged as a leader in sustainable development, innovation, and technology. It's a country where safety, equality, and education are highly valued, making it an ideal destination for expats seeking a high-quality lifestyle.


Expat destinations in Sweden

Demographics of Sweden:

Ethnic groups

Danish: 0.5%

Finnish: 1.3%

Swedish: 90.6%

Yugoslavian: 1.2%


Swedish: 100%

Religion Overview

Sweden is a secular country with relatively few religious affiliations. Historically, the Lutheran church has played a significant role in Swedish culture, but today most Swedes are irreligious. Despite this, the country celebrates a variety of religious holidays, many of which have become secular traditions.

Major Religions


Sweden has a temperate climate characterized by mild winters and cool summers. The weather is heavily influenced by the region's coastal location and inland geography. The southern part of the country enjoys warmer temperatures and more rainfall than the north, where winter can last up to six months. Sweden's latitude gives it long days in summer and long nights in winter.

Economy Overview

Sweden has a market-oriented economy that is highly innovative and technologically advanced. It consistently ranks as one of the most competitive countries in the world according to the World Economic Forum. Key industries include transportation equipment, pharmaceuticals, and Forestry and wood products. The country is also renowned for its strong social welfare system, high-quality education, and pioneering sustainability initiatives.

Key Industries

  • Transportation Equipment
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Forestry and Wood Products
  • Information and Communication Technology

Major Companies

  • Volvo Cars
  • Ericsson
  • Essity (formerly part of <<vanlessness|>>)
  • Swedish Match

Culture and Language Overview

Swedish culture is characterized by a strong sense of community and individuality. There's a deep appreciation for the arts, music, and the natural beauty of the country. Swedes place a high value on equality, education, and environmental sustainability. The language, Swedish, is a Germanic language that is closely related to Danish and Norwegian.

Cultural Highlights

  • Stockholm's Old Town (Gamla Stan): This charming and historic neighborhood is steeped in Swedish history and culture, with narrow cobblestone streets, vibrant architecture, and numerous museums and galleries.
  • Midsommar: This traditional summer solstice celebration involves feasting on crayfish, dancing around the maypole, and staying up all night to celebrate the longest day of the year.
  • Fika: This Swedish tradition involves enjoying a cup of coffee and a sweet pastry with friends or family. It's a popular way to unwind and catch up with loved ones.

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Sweden's landscape is diverse and varied, ranging from lush forests and scenic lakes to rocky coastlines and impressive archipelagos. The country is home to numerous National Parks and protected areas, many of which showcase the natural beauty and rich wildlife of the region.

Notable Landmarks

  • Stockholm Old Town
  • Royal Palace Stockholm
  • Vasa Museum (Stockholm)
  • Skogskyrkog (Stockholm)
  • Gyllene Halvmån (Öland)
  • Lapland Northern Lights
  • Runde Historic Island (Gotland)
  • Fjäll Railway (Norrbotten)

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Twelfth Night (January 13)
  • Shrove Tuesday (February or March)
  • Good Friday (March or April)
  • Easter Saturday (March or April)
  • Easter Sunday (March or April)
  • Easter Monday (March or April)
  • International Workers' Day (May 1)
  • Swear Day (May 19)
  • Constitution Day (June 6)
  • National Day (June 6)
  • Midsummer's Eve (June 24)
  • All Saint's Day (November 1)
  • Christmas Eve (December 24)

Political Stability

Sweden's political system is a constitutional monarchy governed by a parliamentary democracy. The country ranks highly in international indices of political and economic stability, as well as social welfare. Key issues facing the country include environmental sustainability, immigration, and economic inequality.

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