Your guide to being an expatriate in Jordan

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Located in the Middle East, Jordan is a small but diverse nation that offers travelers a unique and unforgettable experience. Known for its ancient history, breathtaking natural landscapes, and warm hospitality, Jordan is a must-visit destination for those seeking adventure, culture, and relaxation.


Expat destinations in Jordan

Demographics of Jordan:

Ethnic groups

92% Arab, 6.4% Circassian, Armenian, and Kurdish.


Arabic (official) and English (widely spoken).

Religion Overview

Jordan is predominantly Muslim (98%), with Sunni Islam being the dominant denomination. A smaller Christian community (2%) also resides in the country.

Major Religions


Jordan has a hot arid climate in the south, with sweltering temperatures exceeding 40°C (104°F) during summer. In central and northern regions, the climate is more temperate, with shorter summers and mild winters.

Economy Overview

Jordan is a modern and prosperous nation, with a diversified and dynamic economy. The country is a leading exporter of minerals such as phosphates, potash, and bromine. Jordan is also known for its high-tech industry, thriving tourism sector, and business-friendly environment that attracts foreign investment.

Key Industries

  • Minerals and mining
  • Technology and innovation
  • Tourism
  • Agriculture
  • Manufacturing

Major Companies

  • Arab Potash Company (APC)
  • AMMAN Humanmark Corporation
  • Al-Jahiz Engineering Services (ACS)
  • Jordan Bromine Company (JBC)
  • Fertilizant Company of Jordan (FAVOURITE)

Culture and Language Overview

Jordan's rich cultural heritage is deeply intertwined with its Arabic and Islamic identity. Muslim and Christian holidays are widely celebrated, and traditional folk music, dancing, and cuisine continue to thrive.

Cultural Highlights

  • Amman Citadel: Home to the ancient Roman Temple of Hercules, this archaeological site offers a glimpse into Jordan's fascinating history.
  • Jerash Ruins: One of the best-preserved Roman cities in the world, Jerash boasts impressive ruins, including theatres, colonnades, and bathhouses.
  • Petra: Known as the 'Lost City', Petra is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most awe-inspiring ancient towns in the world. Carved into red rock, Petra features iconic structures such as the Treasury, Monastery, and Colonnaded Street.
  • Wadi Rum: Located in southern Jordan, Wadi Rum is a stunning desert landscape dotted with rocky cliffs, canyons, and sand dunes. Named the 'Valley of the Moon' by T.E. Lawrence, Wadi Rum offers unparalleled vistas for nature lovers.
  • Swimming in the Dead Sea: Located on Jordan's eastern border, the Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth, encircled by barren mountains and salty waters that are said to have healing properties.

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Jordan is a small but geographically diverse nation, spanning from arid deserts and rocky plateaus to fertile valleys and bustling cities. Mount Nebo, located on the west bank of the Jordan River, offers panoramic views of the Holy Land, while the Red Sea coastline is a hub for diving and marine life exploration.

Notable Landmarks

  • Mount Nebo: This ancient site is believed to be the place where Moses saw the Promised Land.
  • Dead Sea Beach: Stretching along Jordan's eastern border, the Dead Sea is one of the world's most fascinating bodies of water, with mesmerizing salt formations and mineral-rich waters.
  • Mafi: Located in central Jordan, Mafi is a beautiful village known for its traditional stone houses and vibrant cultural heritage.
  • Madaba: Home to the renowned Byzantine mosaic map of the Holy Land, Madaba is a significant archaeological site that offers a glimpse into Jordan's rich history.
  • Raqmu: This unique archaeological site, located in southern Jordan, showcases the ruins of a 7th century BC Nabataean city, providing insights into ancient civilization.

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Protection of the Faith Wahbi al-Madh'un (Prophet Muhammad's birthday) (March 26)
  • Prophet Muhammad's Ascension to Heaven (Isra' and Mi'raj) (twelfth night of Rajab) (March/April)
  • Good Friday (April)
  • Orthodox Easter Saturday (April)
  • Orthodox Easter Sunday (April)
  • Army Day (May 24)
  • Independence Day (May 25)
  • Ascension Day (fourth Thursday of Easter) (May)
  • Pentecost (fifty days after Easter Sunday) (June)
  • Christ's Epiphany (January 6)
  • Ash Wednesday (February/March)
  • Jackson Day (February 22)
  • Ramadan (second or third month in the Islamic calendar) (April-May)
  • Eid al-Fitr (Islamic festival of fast-breaking) (June-July)
  • Mawlid al-Nabi (Mohammed's birthday) (March 25 or November 4)
  • Eid al-Adha (Islamic festival of sacrifice) (July-August)
  • Khurayshan Day (October 18)
  • Islamic Information Award (December 5)
  • King Abdullah's Birthday (January 30)
  • Christmas (December 25)

Political Stability

With a stable political system and a strong democratic tradition, Jordan is a reliable and trusted regional partner. Despite facing some internal and external challenges, Jordan's friendly relationship with neighboring countries and close ties with Western and Arab nations demonstrate its enduring commitment to regional stability and economic prosperity.

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