Your guide to being an expatriate in Mexico

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Mexico, officially known as the United Mexican States, is a federal republic located in North America. It shares borders with the United States to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the west, while the Gulf of Mexico lies to the east. With a colorful blend of history, culture, and dynamism, Mexico is an irresistible destination that combines contemporary urbanization with traditional rural communities. The country's intriguing mix of seductive landscapes and vibrant cities, coupled with a rich cultural heritage, makes it a fascinating travel choice.


Expat destinations in Mexico

Demographics of Mexico:

Ethnic groups

Asian: 0.4%

Other: 8.6%

White: 9.7%

Ladino: 1.6%

Mestizo: 60.3%

Indigenous: 9.2%

Afro-Mexican: 2%


Spanish: 95.6%

Indigenous languages: 4.4%

French (Foreign language): 1.1%

English (Foreign language): 4%

Religion Overview

Mexico has a diverse religious landscape, with Roman Catholicism being the dominant religion accounting for over 80% of the population. Other religions, including Protestantism, Judaism, Islam, and various indigenous religions constitute the remaining 20%.

Major Religions


Mexico's climate varies widely, ranging from the tropical temperatures in the Gulf and Pacific Coasts, mountainous parts with cooler temperatures, and semi-arid and arid regions in the north.

Economy Overview

Mexico's economy is the world's 13th largest economy by nominal GDP and the 11th largest economy by PPP, making it one of the most significant economies among the emerging markets. Mexico continues to make accelerated progress in various economic areas, including trade, foreign direct investment, regional integration, and social welfare.

Key Industries

  • Manufacturing
  • Retail and Wholesale Trade
  • Services (Including Finance and Business Services)
  • Construction and Real Estate Activities
  • Agriculture, Hunting, Forestry, and Fishing
  • Mining and Quarrying
  • Transportation and Storage
  • Hotels and Restaurants
  • Electricity, Gas, Steam, and Air Conditioning Supply
  • Water Supply, Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities

Major Companies

  • Grupo Bimbo
  • Or'>cin OXXO
  • Cemex
  • Fomento Economico Mexicano (FEMSA)
  • Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico (GAP)
  • Grupo Modelo
  • Grupo Iusacell y Nextel (telcel)
  • Grupo Financiero Banorte
  • Alfa (Grupo Financiero Alfa)
  • Grupo Coppel

Culture and Language Overview

Mexican culture is rich and diverse, with a history that dates back to the pre-Columbian civilizations such as the Maya, Aztecs, Toltecs, and Zapotecs. Its traditions, languages, sports, folklore, music, and dance create a unique blend that captivates millions from all over the world.

Cultural Highlights

  • National Day of the Dead (Día de Muertos)
  • Cinco de Mayo
  • Guacamaya (national bird)
  • Day of the Republic (Día de la República)
  • Flag Day (Día de la Bandera)
  • Independence Day (Día de la Independencia)
  • Fiesta del Toixó
  • Carnaval de Mazatlán
  • Guadalajara International Book Fair (Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara)
  • Oaxaca Cultural Festival (Festival Cultural de Oaxaca)

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Mexico's geography offers a spectacular range of landscapes, from lofty mountains and picturesque coastlines to vast deserts and tropical rainforests. Its geography is characterized by its mountainous regions in the South and Central Mexico areas, the Gulf of Mexico on the northeast, and the Pacific Ocean on the west.

Notable Landmarks

  • Teotihuacan (pyramids and temples)
  • Chichen Itza (ancient Mayan ruins)
  • Cancun and the Riviera Maya (beautiful beaches and resorts)
  • Palenque (Mayan archaeological site)
  • Bacalar Lagoon (the largest lagoon in Mexico and a UNESCO World Heritage Site)
  • Tulum (Mayan ruins and beach resort)
  • Xochimilco (floating gardens)
  • El cabo (famous tourist destination in Baja California Sur)
  • Zapopan (home of the patron saint of Mexico, the Virgin of Zapopan)
  • La Capilla (a breathtaking underwater chapel)

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Proclamation of the Grito de Dolores and the Beginning of the War of Independence (September 16)
  • Independence Day (September 16)
  • National Day of the Dead (November 1-2)
  • Christmas Day (December 25)
  • Labor Day (May 1)

Political Stability

Mexico has been significantly affected by political unrest, violence, and corruption issues, especially in recent years. However, the country's federal government, states, and municipalities in cooperation with the Mexican Armed Forces and National Guard, have taken major steps towards quelling criminal activities and violence. Despite the challenges, Mexico's political system remains stable and committed to advancing social welfare and human rights.

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