Your guide to being an expatriate in Saint Lucia

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Saint Lucia is an island nation in the eastern Caribbean Sea. It gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1979, becoming a sovereign state and a member of the Commonwealth. Its culture is steeped in traditions dating back to its colonial past, blending African, Caribbean, and European influences. Saint Lucia has a diverse economy, with major industries including tourism, agriculture, and financial services. Known for its stunning natural scenery, from the iconic Pitons to the lush rainforest, Saint Lucia offers a unique and captivating experience for expats.

Saint Lucia

Expat destinations in Saint Lucia

Demographics of Saint Lucia:

Ethnic groups

Mixed: 1%

East Indian: 4.2%

Afro-Saint Lucian: 95%


English: Official

French Creole: Widely spoken

Religion Overview

Saint Lucia remains deeply religious, with Christianity as the dominant faith. The Roman Catholic Church has the largest following, but Protestant denominations also have significant congregations.

Major Religions


Saint Lucia enjoys a tropical climate, with two distinct seasons. The dry season lasts from December to May, while the wet season begins in June and ends in November. Temperatures typically remain in the mid-20s Celsius.

Economy Overview

Saint Lucia's economy is diverse and growing, with tourism, agriculture, and financial services as the major industries. The island nation is a popular destination for visitors, with its stunning scenery and cultural heritage attracting millions of tourists annually. Agriculture is an important part of Saint Lucia's economy, with crops such as bananas, citrus fruits, and cocoa being a major export. The country's financial services sector, which includes offshore banking and incorporation services, is also expanding rapidly.

Key Industries

  • Tourism
  • Agriculture
  • Financial services

Major Companies

  • Bank of Saint Lucia
  • Saint Lucia National Bank
  • Eastern Caribbean Amoco Corporation

Culture and Language Overview

Saint Lucia's culture is a rich blend of African, Caribbean, and European influences. This is evident in its music, dance, food, and language. Creole is the most widely spoken language, followed by English. The island is home to several festivals and cultural events, including the Saint Lucia Jazz Festival, the Carnival, and the Saint Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival.

Cultural Highlights

  • Saint Lucia Jazz Festival
  • Carnival
  • Saint Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival
  • Kweyol Music Festival

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Saint Lucia is an island nation, with a total land area of approximately 620 square kilometers. The country is volcanic in origin, with two towering peaks known as the Pitons rising from the ocean floor. The interior is covered by lush rainforest, filled with exotic flora and fauna. In addition to the Pitons, Saint Lucia is home to several other notable landmarks, including the Pigeon Island National Park and the Diamond Botanical Gardens.

Notable Landmarks

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Sunday
  • Easter Monday
  • Labor Day (May 23)
  • Whit Monday (Second Monday in May)
  • Emancipation Day (August 1)
  • Underblock and Parang Festival (First Monday in August)
  • Independence Day (February 22)

Political Stability

Saint Lucia is a stable democracy, with a president as head of state and a prime minister as head of government. Its political system is based on the British parliamentary model, and it is a member of the Commonwealth. Saint Lucia's economy is closely linked with that of its neighbors in the Caribbean, with issues such as corruption, poverty, and inequality being ongoing concerns.

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