Your guide to being an expatriate in American Samoa

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American Samoa is a tropical paradise located in the South Pacific Ocean, approximately halfway between Hawaii and New Zealand. This unincorporated territory of the United States is home to a population of around 57,000, with the majority of people living on the main island of Tutuila. Sitting on the Ring of Fire, American Samoa is heavily volcanic and features lush vegetation and turquoise waters.

American Samoa

Expat destinations in American Samoa

Demographics of American Samoa:

Ethnic groups

Samoan: 94%


Samoan: Official and widely spoken

English: Official

Religion Overview

Religion plays a significant role in the lives of most American Samoans. Christianity is the dominant faith, with over 99% identifying as some form of Christian, mostly Protestant (Wesleyan, Methodist, Seventh-day Adventist, and Congregationalist).

Major Religions


American Samoa has a tropical climate, with warm temperatures and high humidity throughout the year. The wet season runs from November to April and can bring heavy rainfall and occasional typhoons.

Economy Overview

American Samoa's economy is based on agriculture, fishing, and tourism. The territory is part of the US Customs territory, allowing for duty-free exports to the United States, which helps support local businesses.

Key Industries

  • Agriculture (coconuts, fruit, vegetables)
  • Fishing (tuna, mahi-mahi, wahoo)
  • Tourism (scuba diving, swimming with sharks, snorkeling)

Major Companies

  • American Samoa Government

Culture and Language Overview

American Samoan culture is deeply connected to the land and sea. Traditional dance performances and festivals celebrate this connection to the environment. The Samoan language and social customs like the fa'a Samoa (Samoan way) continue to be an integral part of daily life.

Cultural Highlights

  • The Teuila Festival: A week-long celebration held annually in October, featuring traditional dance, music, and crafts.
  • The Swimsuit Festival: An event centered around beauty contests, and features an annual parade of beachwear through the streets of Pago Pago.

Geography and Landmarks Overview

American Samoa is a volcanic archipelago with rugged coastlines featuring high cliffs and waterfalls. The territory has nine volcanic islands, eight of which are uninhabited.

Notable Landmarks

  • Rugged coastline around Alega Plateau
  • The high cliffs of Lealataua
  • Sua Trench, a submarine trench deeper than the Grand Canyon

National Holidays

  • January 1 - New Year's Day
  • First Friday of March - Samoa Flag Day
  • April 25 - Constitution Day
  • June 1 - Samoan Independence Day
  • July 4 - Independence Day (celebrates American annexation)
  • October 15 - Teuila Day
  • December 25 - Christmas Day

Political Stability

American Samoa enjoys political stability under US administration. The Governor is appointed by the US President, while the US President is elected. Local legislative bodies govern affairs on a day-to-day basis.

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