Your guide to being an expatriate in Christmas Island

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Christmas Island, a territory of Australia, is a distant archipelago in the Indian Ocean. Consisting of 13 islands, it is situated approximately 1,500 miles north-west of Perth, Western Australia, and comprises an area of roughly 135 square kilometres. The island's eponymous main island, Christmas Island, is the largest in the group, measuring approximately 155 square kilometres. Once a BritishStrategic military post, Christmas Island is now known for its phosphate mining and tourism industries.

Christmas Island

Expat destinations in Christmas Island

Demographics of Christmas Island:

Ethnic groups

Christmas Island's population predominantly identifies as Chinese (59.9%), followed by Malays (18.3%), European (12.6%), and Indian (7.6%). Approximately 0.5% of the population is of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, or Other Pacific Islander descent.


The official language spoken in Christmas Island is English. In addition, the Chinese dialect of Hakka, Cantonese, Malay, and Mandarin are also spoken by smaller portions of the population.

Religion Overview

Christmas Island is a multi-faith community with a variety of religions, including Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Hinduism, and various Christian denominations, such as Anglican, Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, and Salvation Army.

Major Religions


Christmas Island experiences a tropical monsoon climate, characterized by consistent temperatures and sequences of wet and dry seasons. The average annual temperature is around 26-27°C, and the island has high humidity levels, with rainfall peaking during the monsoon season from November to April.

Economy Overview

Christmas Island's economy revolves around phosphate mining and tourism, with phosphate sales accounting for about 70% of the island's revenues. The remaining income is sourced from retail, fishing, and the public sector. The majority of the population is employed in the public sector or phosphate mines, with a substantial proportion working in the tourism industry.

Key Industries

  • Phosphate Mining
  • Tourism
  • Agriculture
  • Fishing

Major Companies

  • Christmas Island Phosphate Company Limited (CIPC)
  • MAGAU Easter Shirt Traders Limited (MEST)
  • Pacific Fishing Co. Pty. Ltd.

Culture and Language Overview

Christmas Island's rich and diverse culture is a blend of influences from China, Malaysia, Europe, and Australia. The island's population celebrates various festivities year-round, including New Year's Day, Chinese New Year, and Christmas.

Cultural Highlights

  • Annual Night Lighting Festival: Christmas Island is home to an illuminated sky festival celebrated in late June. The event is characterized by multiple light shows around the island, live music, and open-air exhibitions.
  • Dance Festival: Conducted in September, the Dance Festival unites the island's community in a celebration of dance and cultural heritage, with performances from various religious and cultural communities.
  • Battjes Bay Heritage Trail: The trail promotes the preservation of the island's cultural heritage through guided tours to various historical, religious, and cultural sites.

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Christmas Island's spectacular landscapes, pristine beaches, caves, and exotic flora and fauna are world-renowned, making it an essential tourist destination. The island is home to several protected areas, including Christmas Island National Park, Coconut Tree Hill National Park, and Jurassic Ruins.

Notable Landmarks

  • Christmas Island National Park
  • Lilyvale: Home to tropical rainforests, stunning waterfalls, and diverse fauna.
  • Dales: A picturesque terrain featuring multiple gorges, caves, and waterfalls.
  • Blowholes: A landmark characterized by extremely forceful sea-sprays and unique rock formations on the southern coast.
  • Disappearing Pool: A rare hydrological feature in which seasonal water pools rapidly recede into the ground.
  • The Roaches - A group of rocky outcrops along the western coast offering breathtaking views

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Australia Day (January 26)
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Sunday
  • Easter Monday
  • Anzac Day (April 25)
  • Queen's Birthday
  • Christmas Day (December 25)
  • Boxing Day (December 26)

Political Stability

Christmas Island is governed as a Territory, within the Australian States System. It is politically stable, with a Chief Minister heading the Legislative Assembly of Christmas Island since 2008. The Australian Federal Government is responsible for defence, foreign affairs, and citizenship, while Christmas Island manages its other affairs within the Constitution.

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