Expat Guide to Marshall Islands Living

Image for Expat Guide to Marshall Islands Living

Welcome to your comprehensive guide for expats considering a move to Marshall Islands in the exotic Oceania region. In this article, we delve deep into the realities of living in this idyllic Pacific destination, revealing insight into its distinct culture, costs, safety, and more. Prepare for an intriguing adventure as we equip you with the essential knowledge to confidently decide whether Marshall Islands is your ideal home, away from home.

Unique Marshallese Culture

The Marshall Islands offer a vibrant culture that sets it apart from other destinations.

  • Rich historical heritage: Learn about the fascinating history and traditions of the Marshall Islands, rooted in both Polynesian and Micronesian influences.
  • Friendly locals: Forge strong bonds with the welcoming locals, ever-eager to share their customs and stories.
  • Extensive dialects: Marvel at the intricacies of the Marshallese language, comprised of over 65 dialects.
  • Stunning arts: Appreciate the unique art forms that reflect the richness of the island's history, traditions, and biodiversity.

Cost of Living

Gain valuable insights into the cost of living in Marshall Islands.

  1. Affordable housing: Discover the range of housing options and their associated costs.
  2. Essential expenses: Understand the typical monthly expenses for groceries, transportation, utilities, health care, and education.
  3. Taxes and insurance: Explore the taxation system and necessary insurance coverage needed to reside in Marshall Islands.
  4. Working and salaries: Learn about employment opportunities and usual salaries to budget effectively.

Is Safety a Concern?

Find answers to common safety-related queries for expats in Marshall Islands.

  • Police and security: Understand the local law enforcement and security measures in place.
  • Crime rates: View the current crime statistics and prevalent crime types.
  • Natural disasters: Learn about the natural hazards, such as typhoons, and precautionary measures.
  • Healthcare facilities: Access the quality of local healthcare services and necessary vaccines.

Travel and Leisure

Experience the best of travel and leisure in Marshall Islands.

  • Exploring landmarks: Visit essential landmarks such as the Bikini Atoll, Wotje Island, and Majuro Atoll.
  • Outdoor activities: Engage in thrilling outdoor activities, such as scuba diving, fishing, and kayaking.
  • Delving into history: Pay respect to historical sites, museums, and cultural festivities.
  • Dining: Sample the flavors unique to Marshallese cuisine.


The allure of Marshall Islands extends far beyond its picturesque landscapes. Immerse yourself in a rich cultural heritage, build a fulfilling life, and embrace the opportunities for adventure. Whether quenching your curiosity, seeking new experiences, or starting a new life, Marshall Islands offers an unforgettable journey. With this comprehensive guide, we empower you to take the leap towards an extraordinary adventure in the heart of the Pacific Ocean!