Your guide to being an expatriate in Micronesia

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Micronesia, officially known as the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), is a republic comprised of four states: Yap, Chuuk, Pohnpei, and Kosrae. With a total land area of 270 square kilometers, Micronesia is one of the smallest countries in the world. Despite its small size, Micronesia is rich in culture, history, and natural resources.


Expat destinations in Micronesia

Demographics of Micronesia:

Ethnic groups

Micronesian, Asian, European, and mixed


English (official), Melanesian and Micronesian languages

Religion Overview

Religion has played a significant role in Micronesian culture for centuries. Today, Christianity is the dominant religion, with several Christian denominations, including Roman Catholic and Protestant, coexisting peacefully.

Major Religions


Micronesia enjoys a tropical climate. The rainy season lasts from June to November, while the dry season goes from December to May. Due to its oceanic position, Micronesia is prone to powerful typhoons and tsunamis.

Economy Overview

Micronesia's economy is primarily driven by government expenditures, exports, and foreign aid. The country's gross domestic product (GDP) amounts to $250 million, with a per capita income of $2285. Major industries include agriculture, fishing, and tourism.

Key Industries

  • Agriculture
  • Fishing
  • Tourism

Major Companies

    Culture and Language Overview

    Micronesian culture is deeply rooted in tradition and values community and family above all else. The country boasts a rich cultural heritage, with unique customs, art, and music that reflect its history and identity.

    Cultural Highlights

    • Yap Stones: These enigmatic stone structures, found on the island of Yap, have intrigued archaeologists and historians for decades. Believed to be connected to the island's early history and seafaring traditions, the Yap Stones are a testament to Micronesia's unique cultural heritage.
    • Festivals: Micronesia celebrates a series of vibrant festivals throughout the year, each with its own distinct traditions and customs. Some of the most popular festivals include the Yap day of prayer, the arrival of the green sea turtle in Kosrae, and the Chuuk ro penetr, a celebration of male friendships and camaraderie.
    • Music: Micronesian music is closely tied to culture and tradition. The gamelan, a traditional ensemble of percussion instruments, is a prominent feature of many festivals and cultural events. The ultramarine, a unique musical instrument found only in Micronesia, is played by blowing into it and striking it with a stick.

    Geography and Landmarks Overview

    Micronesia's diverse geography is as breathtaking as it is varied. The country is made up of more than 600 islands, scattered over an area of 2.6 million square kilometers. The region's stunning natural beauty is matched only by the challenges it presents, with poor road networks, scarce resources, and a high vulnerability to natural disasters.

    Notable Landmarks

    • Melchior Islands: Located in the Caroline Islands, this vast and remote archipelago is home to some of Micronesia's most breathtaking landscapes, including striking limestone formations, crystal-clear waters, and diverse marine life.
    • Pellewar Island: Known locally as Nan Madol, this walled city, built in the 9th century, is one of Micronesia's most enigmatic landmarks. It consists of a series of elaborately designed artificial structures and is said to have once been a seat of power in the region.
    • Babeldaob: This island, part of the island state of Palau, is one of the largest islands in Micronesia, boasting lush tropical forests, dazzling white beaches, and crystal-clear waters teeming with marine life.

    National Holidays

    • New Year's Day (January 1)
    • President's Day (February 17 or the third Friday in February)
    • Independence Day (May 10)
    • Federated States of Micronesia Day (May 11)
    • Constitution Day (July 14)
    • Kin-Yanao (Fall or early Winter Fertility Day - varies annually)
    • Christmas Day (December 25)

    Political Stability

    Political stability is a significant challenge in Micronesia. Corruption, political infighting, and a weak economy have contributed to a dysfunctional government and a less-than-stable society. Despite this, the country's peaceful and cautious tradition of governance has prevented serious instability and conflict.

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