Expat Living in Falkland Islands A Comprehensive Guide

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Welcome to The Expatriate’s Guide to Living in Falkland Islands, South America! The Falkland Islands, also known as the Malvinas, are a remote archipelago located in the South Atlantic Ocean and considered a British Overseas Territory. Approximately 3,000 people call the islands home, making it a unique expat experience. In this comprehensive guide, we'll help you understand what it's like to live in the Falklands, from the climate, cost of living, and culture, to work and education opportunities. This information is essential for expats considering moving to Falkland Islands, as well as those traveling for business or pleasure.

Climate in Falkland Islands

One of the most intriguing aspects of living in the Falkland Islands is the unique climate. The islands have a maritime climate influenced by the surrounding seas with mild winters and cool summers. Annual precipitation is modest in the northern islands, while the southern islands experience heavy rainfall. Expatriates must be prepared for cold and windy weather, especially during the winter months.

Cost of Living in Falkland Islands

While the Falkland Islands offers a unique lifestyle, it also comes with a cost. The cost of living is relatively high due to the remote location and importation of most goods. Groceries, utilities, and transportation can be expensive. However, there are several ways expats can save money, such as buying in bulk, using local markets, and sharing living expenses with roommates.

Culture in Falkland Islands

The Falkland Islands have a rich cultural heritage shaped by its British influences and strong connections to Argentina. English is the official language, and the islands celebrate British traditions. However, the cultural melting pot also creates a unique blend of traditions that reflects the Islands' European, South American, and maritime influences. Expatriates living in the Falklands can immerse themselves in local traditions and events, such as the annual Agricultural Show, Parade, and St. Patrick's Day celebrations.

Work and Education Opportunities in Falkland Islands

Living in Falkland Islands also offers various work and education opportunities. The key industries in the Falklands are fishing, fish processing, farming, and tourism. Expatriates can find employment in these areas or seek opportunities within the public sector or non-governmental organizations. Additionally, the Falkland Islands have a growing education system with a primary and secondary school, as well as a library and a small campus of the University of London. Expatriates with children can take advantage of these opportunities and the unique learning environment provided by living in the Falklands.


Living in Falkland Islands offers an exciting and unique experience for expats. With its diverse climate, rich cultural heritage, and various work and education opportunities, the Falklands provide a welcome environment for those seeking adventure and new experiences. While the cost of living can be high, there are ways for expats to save money and make the most of their time in this beautiful and unique part of the world. Thus, we hope that this in-depth guide has provided you with essential information to help you make an informed decision about moving to or visiting the Falkland Islands. If you're ready to take the next step, start planning your journey today!