Your guide to being an expatriate in Suriname

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Nestled at the northern end of South America, Suriname is a country like no other. Once a Dutch colony, it's now a multi-cultural melting pot with a population ranging from Indo, Creole, Chinese, and Afro-South American communities. The capital city, Paramaribo, is an UNESCO World Heritage Site, offering a peek into Suriname's past from colonial to present times. Be ready to immerse yourself in vibrant colors, lively Afro-Caribbean music and dance, and delicious local cuisine. The country's Amazonian interior is similarly spellbinding––a vast and captivating rainforest filled with an array of distinct birds, insects, reptiles, and mammals.


Expat destinations in Suriname

Demographics of Suriname:

Ethnic groups

Maroons 29.2%, Creole 26.0%, Javanese 22.1%, Hindustani 12.2%, Other (includes Chinese) 9.9%, Indigenous (includes Arawak, Carib, and Warrau) 5.7%


Dutch (official), Sranan Tongo, Sarnami Hindustani, Javanese, Indonesian

Religion Overview

Suriname is religiously diverse, characterized by a mix of Christian denominations, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, and Buddhists. Approximately 53% of the population is Protestant, 26% is Roman Catholic, and around 10% follows Hinduism. Islam and Judaism make up less than 5% of the population each.

Major Religions


Suriname's tropical climate with high humidity makes it an extraordinarily humid and hot country. It has frequent rain throughout the year, with the driest period from December to February. The average temperature oscillates around 27°C / 81°F.

Economy Overview

Suriname's economy is small and developing, driven by the mining of bauxite, gold, and diamonds. It's estimated to be around $3.4 billion. The country's reliance on large infrastructure projects involves considerable fiscal duties, which makes Suriname susceptible to external financial shocks

Key Industries

  • Bauxite & Alumina
  • Gold & Diamonds
  • Infrastructure Development
  • Tourism

Major Companies

  • Suriname Aluminium Company (Suralco)
  • Tebiela Diamond
  • Newmont Goldcorp
  • Suriname Holding NV

Culture and Language Overview

Suriname's blend of diverse cultures is reflected in the unique and engaging artistic displays. From colorful festivals like the Ndyami seremoni, Nagar Anandha Chaurasi temple festivals to the moving rhythms of carnivalous parang, to the vivid infusion of cuisines like chicken rice, roti, peanut soup, and rice and peas, the country's culture is a fascinating blend of Caribbean and South America.

Cultural Highlights

  • The Ndyami seremoni, a celebration of Maroon culture, featuring traditional music and dance performances
  • Nagar Anandha Chaurasi temple festivals, a colourful celebration of Indian Hindu traditions
  • Parang, a melodious culture blending Caribbean and South American music
  • Creole new year's eve celebrations, a blend of music, food, and dance

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Suriname's coastal plain constitutes only one-fifth of the country’s land area, while the majority of it is covered by dense, unspoiled Amazon rainforests. There are protected national parks and intriguing natural sites, such as Brokopondo Reservoir (the largest body of water in Suriname), Brownsberg Nature Park, and Palumeu, a remote settlement accessible only by air or water and home to Amerindian communities.

Notable Landmarks

  • Brokopondo Reservoir
  • Brownsberg Nature Park
  • Palumeu
  • Voltzberg
  • Watervallenboven

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Good Friday
  • Labour Day (May 1)
  • Whit Monday
  • Koningsdag (King's Day) (April 27 or the nearest Saturday)
  • Independence Day (November 25)
  • Christmas Day (December 25)
  • Boxing Day (December 26)

Political Stability

Suriname's stability has been relatively constant since its independence from the Netherlands in 1975. The current government is led by President Chan Santokhi, from the National Democrats (ND) party, which gathered the most seats in the parliamentary elections of 2020. Despite some political tensions and corruption allegations, Suriname's political climate is democratic and peaceful.

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