Your guide to being an expatriate in Mauritius

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Nestled in the Indian Ocean, Mauritius is a fragrant blend of Indian, African, and European cultures. This volcanic island nation boasts crystal-clear waters, bustling markets, and melodious Creole music. With English as the official language, expats will find it easy to adapt to Mauritian society, which believes in preserving traditions yet embraces modernity.


Expat destinations in Mauritius

Demographics of Mauritius:

Ethnic groups

Creole (52%), Indian (27%), African (Black Creole) (16%), Chinese (3%), and European (1%).


Creole (official) and English (official)

Religion Overview

Mauritius is known for its religious harmony. Christianity (except Roman Catholicism), Islam, and Hinduism are the major religions, with over 45% of the population practicing Hinduism.

Major Religions


Mauritius has a tropical climate, with distinct dry and wet seasons. The average yearly temperature is 23 degrees Celsius. January and February are the hottest months, whereas May and December are the coolest months.

Economy Overview

Mauritius boasts a thriving economy, with a GDP of around $32 billion (2021). The country's main industries are financial services, textiles, and tourism (earning around $3 billion annually). Mauritius also ranks high in human development, with a well-established education and healthcare system.

Key Industries

  • Financial services (insurance, banking, and funds)
  • Textiles (specializing in high-end apparels for brands like Ralph Lauren and Marc Jacobs)

Major Companies

  • Landmark Holdings Ltd.
  • CGI Group Inc.
  • ABB Ltd.

Culture and Language Overview

Mauritian culture is a vibrant mix of Indian, African, and European influences, reflected in its food, festivals, and music. The traditional attire is the sarong for women and a lungi for men. Barrackpore and Port Louis are the cultural hubs.

Cultural Highlights

  • Divali Festival (Diwali) - a five-day Hindu festival celebrating light and hope.
  • Holi Festival - a two-day Hindu festival marking the advent of spring.
  • Jaamat Ulaama - a week-long Muslim festival during which families gather to pray and feast.

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Mauritius covers an area of 2040 sq. Km., mostly composed of volcanic rock. The country is located around 2000 km east of Madagascar and 400 km northeast of Reunion. Some of the must-visit landmarks are the Black River Gorges National Park, Trou Aux Cerfs, and Le Morne Brabant.

Notable Landmarks

  • Black River Gorges National Park - home to rare bird species and breathtaking hikes
  • Trou Aux Cerfs - a dormant volcano with a stunning view from the top
  • Le Morne Brabant - a UNESCO World Heritage site with a historic significance in the fight against slavery

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Abolition of Slavery Day (April 2)
  • Labour Day (May 1)
  • Victory Day (May 12)
  • Assumption Day (August 15)
  • Indian Arrival Day (October 2)
  • All Saints' Day/ Diwali (October/November)
  • Christmas Day (December 25)
  • Boxing Day (December 26)

Political Stability

Mauritius is a Parliamentary Republic with a President as the head of state and a Prime Minister as the head of government. The country has had minimal political instability over the years, with democracy and civil liberties well-established. Some issues of concern include income inequality, climate change, and social tensions due to religious and ethnic conflicts.

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