Your guide to being an expatriate in Republic of the Congo

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Located in Central Africa, the Republic of the Congo is a country with diverse cultures, unique landscapes, and abundant natural resources. Formerly a French colony, the country gained independence in 1960. For nearly four decades, President Denis Sassou Nguesso has led the country through frequent political upheavals and economic hardships. Today, the Congolese economy relies heavily on its oil exports, but the country also has potential for agriculture, forestry, and growing industries such as fisheries and mining.

Republic of the Congo

Expat destinations in Republic of the Congo

Demographics of Republic of the Congo:

Ethnic groups

The majority of the population (approximately 98%) is Congolese, predominantly of Bantu ethnic origin. Other ethnic groups include European (0.1%) and Arab (0.1%) descendants of immigrants.


The official language is French, which is used in government and business. Bantu languages, such as Lingala, Kikongo, and BContracti, are also widely spoken.

Religion Overview

The majority of the population (approximately 85%) identifies as Christian, with Roman Catholicism being the most prevalent denomination. Other Christian sects including Protestantism and Christian evangelism also have a significant presence. Approximately 10% of the population is Muslim, primarily in urban areas.

Major Religions


The Republic of the Congo has a tropical wet and dry climate, with a wet season from March to June and October to December, and a dry season from July to August and September to November. Heavy rainfall is common during the wet season, with annual precipitation ranging from 1200mm to 2500mm.

Economy Overview

The Congolese economy is heavily dependent on oil exports, which provide the majority of government revenue. Poverty is prevalent, with nearly 75% of the population living below the poverty line. Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries are also important sectors, providing employment for a significant portion of the population. The country has significant potential for economic growth through investment in infrastructure and diversification of the economy.

Key Industries

  • Oil production

Major Companies

  • SNPC (Societe Nationale des Petroles du Congo)

Culture and Language Overview

Congolese culture is deeply intertwined with tradition and music. Rumba, soukous, and zouk are popular musical genres, and traditional instruments such as the mbira and the ngoma are still used in ceremonial contexts. Festivals such as the Fête de la Culture promote local arts and crafts, and traditional dances are performed during important cultural events.

Cultural Highlights

  • Traditional dances such as the Tchétê and the Chinkonki

Geography and Landmarks Overview

The Republic of the Congo is located in Central Africa, bordered by Gabon, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Angolan exclave of Cabinda. The country spans a variety of landscapes, from tropical rainforests and rivers to savannas and swamps. Notable landmarks include Creole villas in Pointe-Noire, the ancient ruins of Sangha Tranquebar, and the Congo River basin, which supports a variety of wildlife.

Notable Landmarks

  • Creole villas in Pointe-Noire
  • Ancient ruins of Sangha Tranquebar
  • Congo River basin

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Independence Day (August 15)
  • All Saints' Day (November 1)
  • Christmas Day (December 25)

Political Stability

The Republic of the Congo is classified as a 'not free' country by Freedom House, due to persistent human rights abuses and restrictions on political freedom. President Nguesso has remained in power for over four decades, and elections have been criticized for not being free and fair. Tensions between the government and opposition parties are common, and the country has experienced violence related to resource disputes and political instability in recent years.

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