Your guide to being an expatriate in Senegal

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Senegal, officially the Republic of Senegal, is a country in West Africa that shares borders with The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, and Mauritania. Senegal is known for its beautiful beaches, mix of traditional and modern culture, and progressive political climate. With a growing economy and a diverse population, Senegal is an attractive destination for expats looking to experience a vibrant and dynamic culture.


Expat destinations in Senegal

Demographics of Senegal:

Ethnic groups

Wolof, Peul (Fulani/Fulbe), Serer, Diola, Mandinka, Sereer, Soninke, Lebu-Serer


Wolof, Pulaar, Serer, Soninke, Diola, Mandinka, Jola

Religion Overview

Senegal is predominantly Muslim, with around 96% of the population following this religion. Christianity is the second-largest religion, followed by less than 3% of the population.

Major Religions


Senegal has a tropical climate that is hot and dry in the north and west, and hot and humid in the south and east. The rainy season runs from June to October, with a dry season from November to May.

Economy Overview

Senegal's economy is largely based on agriculture, technology, and service industries. The country is a member of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and has signed several trade agreements with the European Union.

Key Industries

  • Agriculture (groundnuts, millet, corn, rice, cotton, cashews, hides, millet, mangoes, bananas, pineapples)
  • Industry (agro-processing, oil exploration, construction materials, beverages, textiles, plastics, cement, fertilizers)

Major Companies

  • Orano (Dakar)
  • Dangote Cement
  • MTN Group
  • McMillan Wood
  • Promanad
  • Attijariwafa Bank

Culture and Language Overview

Senegal's culture is a vibrant mix of traditional and modern influences. Wolof is the most widely spoken language, followed by Pulaar and Serer. Music is a central part of Senegalese culture, with popular genres including mbalax, sabar, and griot music.

Cultural Highlights

  • Festivals - The Tambacounda carnival, the Timbuktu book fair, and the Dakar Melengue are popular festivals that celebrate Senegalese culture and heritage.
  • Dances - The sabar is a traditional dance that originated in Senegal and is often performed at weddings and other cultural events.
  • Cuisine - Seafood, rice, and spices are common ingredients in Senegalese cuisine, with popular dishes including thieboudienne (fish and rice), domoda (meat and vegetables in a peanut sauce), and yassa poularde (chicken marinated in vinegar and onions).

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Senegal is home to a number of stunning landmarks, including national parks, beaches, and historical sites.

Notable Landmarks

  • Dakar (Capital city and largest city)
  • Orange Danretor Stadium (Football stadium)
  • Dakar Sand Beaches
  • The Dakar Medina
  • The Portuguese Fort of St George (on the Alpha Island)

National Holidays

  • 1 January - New Year's Day
  • 2 April - Independence Day (Commemorating Senegal's independence from France)
  • 13 July - Victory Day (Commemorating the defeat of Dakar by French troops)
  • 1 August - Muslim feast of Adha (Burkha Moussou)
  • 1 November - Muslim feast of Mawlid
  • 25 December - Christmas Day

Political Stability

Senegal's political climate is generally stable, with a multiparty system and democratic institutions. The country has a strong tradition of peaceful transfers of power between elected leaders.

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