Your guide to being an expatriate in Uganda

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Uganda, formerly known as the British Protectorate of Uganda, gained independence from Britain in 1962. The country has a population of over 47 million people, making it one of the most densely populated countries in Africa. Uganda is home to over 56 ethnic groups, the largest being the Baganda at 17%. English and Swahili are the official languages, and several Bantu languages are also widely spoken. Uganda is a predominantly Christian country, with more than 80% of the population identifying as Christian, while Islam makes up around 12%. The climate is tropical and equatorial, resulting in two rainy seasons and two dry seasons. The country's economy is mainly agricultural, with coffee and tea as its main exports.


Expat destinations in Uganda

Demographics of Uganda:

Ethnic groups

Bamba: 1%

Other: 74%

Bakiga: 4%

Batoro: 2%

Baganda: 17%

Bakonjo: 2%


Bantu: Over 50 Bantu languages are also widely spoken.

Other: Inc., incl. Lendo-Ch Cuban Sign Language, Fula (Peul), Karamojong

Acholi: Nilotic

English: Official

Luganda: Bantu

Lugbara: Bantu

Swahili: Official

Nyankole: Bantu

Runyoro-Rukiga: Bantu

Religion Overview

Uganda is predominantly Christian, with approximately 84% of the population identifying as Christian. The largest Christian denominations are the Catholic Church (42%) and the Ugandan African Anti-Substance Abuse Movement (USAMM; 13%). Islam is the second-largest religion in Uganda, accounting for approximately 12% of the population, followed by traditional religions, which make up around 1%.

Major Religions


Uganda has a tropical rainforest climate near the equator, resulting in heavy rainfall and temperature fluctuations throughout the year.

Economy Overview

Uganda's economy is primary agricultural, with coffee, tea, and cotton as its main exports. The country is also rich in mineral resources, including gold, copper, and cobalt, which could contribute significantly to its economy. Infrastructure remains a challenge, with limited access to electricity, water, and transport infrastructure.

Key Industries

  • Agriculture
  • Gold mining
  • Copper mining

Major Companies

    Culture and Language Overview

    Ugandan culture is diverse and rich, with over 56 ethnic groups. Music, dance, and crafts are essential parts of Ugandan culture. The country is also known for its cuisine, which includes dishes like matoke (cooked plantains) and mulako (boiled cassava).

    Cultural Highlights

    • Kampala nightlife
    • Ugandan music scene
    • Traditional dance performances
    • Ugandan crafts and souvenirs
    • Ugandan cuisine and food markets

    Geography and Landmarks Overview

    Uganda is known as the 'Pearl of Africa' due to its stunning natural beauty, including several national parks and lakes. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is home to approximately half of the world's remaining mountain gorilla population.

    Notable Landmarks

    • Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
    • Queen Elizabeth National Park
    • Murchison Falls National Park
    • Lake Victoria
    • Sabinyo Volcano

    National Holidays

    • New Year's Day (January 1)
    • Labour Day (May 1)
    • Martyr's Day (June 3)
    • Independence Day (October 9)
    • Christmas Day (December 25)

    Political Stability

    Uganda has a presidential republic government system. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has been in power since 1986 and was elected for a fifth term in the 2016 presidential elections. Political stability has remained relatively strong in recent years, allowing for economic growth and investment opportunities.

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