Your guide to being an expatriate in Antigua and Barbuda

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Antigua and Barbuda is an island nation located in the eastern Caribbean Sea. It consists of two major islands, Antigua and Barbuda, and several smaller islands. The former British colony gained independence in 1981 and is a parliamentary democracy and a member of the Commonwealth. Antigua and Barbuda is known for its pristine beaches, turquoise waters, and stunning coral reefs, attracting thousands of tourists every year. Its amicable climate, lively culture, and stable economy make it an ideal destination for expats looking for a new home in the Caribbean.

Antigua and Barbuda

Expat destinations in Antigua and Barbuda

Demographics of Antigua and Barbuda:

Ethnic groups

Black: 91.2%, White and Black: 5.2%, Other: 3.1%


English (official)

Religion Overview

Religious freedom is a deeply-held value in Antigua and Barbuda. The majority of the population is Christian, with the Church of England being the largest denomination. Other Christian denominations, such as the Methodist Church, Baptist Church, and Moravian Church, are also prominent.

Major Religions


Antigua and Barbuda has a tropical climate, which means hot, humid, and occasionally rainy weather. The dry season is from December to April, while the wet season is from May to November. The average temperature is around 27°C (81°F) all year round.

Economy Overview

Antigua and Barbuda's economy is based on tourism, financial services, and agriculture. The country boasts several luxury hotels, resorts, and villas, which provide employment opportunities for thousands of locals. Additionally, a number of international banks and financial institutions have set up operations in Antigua and Barbuda, contributing significantly to the country's GDP.

Key Industries

  • Tourism
  • Financial services
  • Agriculture (particularly sugar and bananas)

Major Companies

  • Antigua Commercial Bank
  • Bank of Antigua and Barbuda
  • Barbuda Co-operative Credit Union (BCCU)

Culture and Language Overview

Antiguan and Barbudan culture is a blend of African, European, and Caribbean influences. Creole music, dance, and cuisine are deeply rooted in the country's heritage. Annual events such as Carnival (schedules vary) and Kadooment Day (August 1) celebrate the country's rich cultural heritage.

Cultural Highlights

  • Creole music, such as calypso and soca
  • Carnival, a colorful and vibrant festival that originated in Trinidad and Tobago
  • Kadooment Day, also known as Emancipation Day, commemorates the abolition of slavery in the British Empire

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Antigua and Barbuda is composed of two major islands, Antigua and Barbuda, and several smaller islands, such as Redonda, Green Island, and Long Island. Its coastline is home to a number of secluded bays, cliffs, and coral reefs. Some of the most popular landmarks include Dickenson Bay, Darkwood Beach, and Nelson's Dockyard.

Notable Landmarks

  • Nelson's Dockyard, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that served as Admiral Horatio Nelson's base during his service in the British navy
  • Devil's Bridge, a natural arch bridge formed by the sea as well as a geological feature
  • St. John's Cathedral, a historic Anglican church that dates back to the 19th century

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Ash Wednesday (Date varies - typically in February or March)
  • Good Friday (March or April)
  • Easter Sunday (March or April)
  • Easter Monday (March or April)
  • St. George's Day (April)
  • Labour Day (May 23)
  • Whit Monday (May or June)
  • Queen's Birthday (June)
  • Antigua and Barbuda's Independence Day (November 1)
  • Kadooment Day (August 1) or Emancipation Day
  • Catholic Thanksgiving Day (November 20)

Political Stability

Antigua and Barbuda is a parliamentary democracy with a stable political system. The executive branch is headed by the Governor-General, who represents the British Monarch, and the Prime Minister, who is elected through a democratic process. The country's constitution protects basic human rights and provides for a free and fair electoral system. The judicial system is based on English common law, with both trial by jury and appointed magistrates overseeing court proceedings.

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