Your guide to being an expatriate in Slovakia

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Welcome to Slovakia, a small but vibrant country located in the heart of Europe. This Central European nation shares borders with Poland, Ukraine, Hungary, Austria, and the Czech Republic. Slovakia gained independence from Czechoslovakia in 1993 and has since developed rapidly, becoming a member of both the European Union and the Eurozone in 2004. Known for its stunning rolling hills, medieval castles, and lively folk traditions, Slovakia is an ideal destination for expats looking for an enriching cultural experience.


Expat destinations in Slovakia

Demographics of Slovakia:

Ethnic groups

Slovak (80.7%) Czech (9.1%) Hungarian (6.3%) Ukrainian (1.9%) Polish (1.1%)


Slovak (official) Czech (popular), Hungarian, Ukrainian, Polish, Roma (informal)

Religion Overview

Slovakia is predominantly Catholic with a significant Protestant population. Religious tolerance is respected and encouraged in Slovakia.

Major Religions


Slovakia has a temperate continental climate with cold winters (-5°C to -1°C) and moderate summers (17°C to 22°C). The winter season lasts from December to February, while the summer season is from June to August.

Economy Overview

Slovakia's economy has experienced remarkable growth since joining the European Union. The country's GDP (PPP) for 2021 was $103.9 billion, and its unemployment rate in 2021 was 6.1%. Major industries include manufacturing, service, and agriculture, with key exports including vehicles, electrical equipment, and machinery.

Key Industries

  • Manufacturing
  • Service
  • Agriculture
  • Mining and quarrying

Major Companies

  • Kia Motors Slovakia
  • VW Slovakia
  • John Deere villiger
  • Heineken Slovakia
  • M&G Polymers Europe

Culture and Language Overview

Slovakia has a rich cultural heritage, with traditional folk music, dance, and puppetry performances regularly held in rural villages. Slovak cuisine is hearty and wholesome, with dishes such as kapustnica (cabbage soup), halusky (potato dumplings), and kolbasa (sausage) being must-tries for any food lover. The Slovak language belongs to the Slavic linguistic group, and most Slovaks speak English fluently.

Cultural Highlights

  • F Slovak Cultural Festival
  • Devin Castle Peter of Candale
  • Ľudomír Fi educational trail
  • Belá pod Tro Adam wall paintings
  • Picasso’s Guernica mural

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Slovakia is a picturesque landlocked country with rugged mountains, dense forests, and idyllic valleys. The Tatra Mountains offer breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes, and the Danube River, which trails through Slovakia, has played a significant role in shaping the country's economic and cultural identity.

Notable Landmarks

  • Tatra Mountains
  • Belá škola or White School
  • Danube River
  • Banská Štiavnica UNESCO Town Hall
  • Devín Castle

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Epiphany Day (January 6)
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Sunday
  • Labor Day (May 1)
  • DUŠICKY DEN (All Saints' Day) (November 1)
  • Independence Day (January 1, 1993)
  • Christmas Eve (December 24)
  • Christmas Day (December 25)
  • Boxing Day (December 26)

Political Stability

Slovakia is a democratic parliamentary republic, and its political climate is considered stable by international institutions.

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