Your guide to being an expatriate in Peru

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Peru, officially the Republic of Peru, sits in Western South America. Known for its rich history, fascinating culture, and awe-inspiring landscapes, Peru is a land of contrasts. From the ancient Incan citadel of Machu Picchu to the turquoise lakes and the grand Andes mountains, Peru is a nature lover's paradise. Its capital city, Lima, boasts a colorful history and an innovative contemporary scene. This South American gem attracts thousands of expats every year with its vibrant economy, political stability, and top-notch healthcare,


Expat destinations in Peru

Demographics of Peru:

Ethnic groups

Asian: 0.3

Black: 0.9

White: 24

Mestizo: 61.3%

Indigenous: 12.7


Other: 0.7%

Aymara: 1.3%

Quechua: 13.1%

Spanish (Official): 74.9%

Religion Overview

Peru has a rich religious heritage. Roman Catholicism, brought by the Spanish missionaries in the 16th century, is the dominant religion. A strong indigenous influence also exists in certain religious practices

Major Religions


Peru has diverse climatic zones, ranging from torrid tropical to extreme cold arctic. The narrow coastal area is temperate with occasional desert winds and fog. A fertile strip of land near the Andes is tropical with high rainfall. The Andes Mountains are cold with frost during winter.

Economy Overview

Peru's economy has risen significantly in the past few decades, now considered a middle-income economy. The service sector leads the economy, making up over half of the GDP. Mining, agriculture, and manufacturing also play a significant role

Key Industries

  • Service Sector
  • Mining
  • Tourism
  • Agriculture
  • Manufacturing

Major Companies

  • Banco Santander Peru
  • WorldLink Telecomunications
  • Claro Peru
  • Falcon Private Bank
  • Centenario Insurance

Culture and Language Overview

Peru's rich culture and traditions are well evident in its literature, music, and gastronomy. The traditional Andean tunpa, instrumental folk music is a fascinating blend of indigenous melodies with European music. Peruvian cuisine is renowned for its exquisite flavors, including ceviche (seafood dish), lomo saltado (stir-fried steak dish), and ají de gallina (spicy coconut chicken dish).

Cultural Highlights

  • Machu Picchu
  • Rainbow Mountain
  • Huacho Herrera Festival (February)
  • Carnaval in Cusco (November)
  • Arequipa's Carnival (June)
  • Lima's Dia de las Brujas Festival (April)
  • Chicha Festival in Abancay (July)
  • Inti Raymi (February)
  • Fiesta de la Candelaria in Puno (February)
  • Fiestas Patrias (July)

Geography and Landmarks Overview

Peru, nestled between Chile, Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia, and the Pacific Ocean, occupies almost 1.3 million square kilometers. Its varied geography includes the dizzying heights of the Andes, the vast Amazon rainforest, and the arid Pacific coastal plain.

Notable Landmarks

  • Machu Picchu
  • Uros Floating Islands
  • Huacachina Oasis
  • Catacombs of San Francisco
  • Lake Titicaca
  • Rainbow Mountain
  • Chavin de Huantar
  • Quilcapampa Archaeological Complex
  • Kuelap Fortress
  • Chan Chan Archaeological Site

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • The Three Kings Day (January 6)
  • Carnival (February)
  • Lady of Candelaria (February)
  • Easter Sunday (March)
  • Labor Day (May 1)
  • San Juan (June)
  • Battle of Angamos Day (October 8)
  • Independence Day (December 28)
  • New Year's Eve (December 31)

Political Stability

Peru has been a stable democracy since the 1990s. Political stability is a significant factor in Peru's economic growth. Peru's President Pedro Castillo is facing allegations of corruption and misuse of power, however, the country's institutions remain strong.

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